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Privacy Policy Privacy Policy

GDPR Compliance Notice:

If you are a resident of the European Union or the UK… or anywhere on the planet. These are the privacy rules we follow to protect you. And to give you control of your data and how you use Fit Women’s Weekly and it's apps.

The information we obtain about our subscribers and customers is:

Credit card information for purchases:

This does not get stored on our website. It’s securely passed to Stripe for processing and storage. Stripe is a PCI compliant credit card processing company.

Here is a link to Stripe’s privacy policy ( ) so you can learn the protections they use.

The source of your credit card information is you.

We do not share any financial details of any customer. We do not track amount purchased for profiling purposes. Only the products you purchased so we can give you the correct permissions in the members area... and future recommend appropriate products.

Email address:

We do not store your personal information or email address on this website.

The source of your email address in all cases is you.

We do not share your email address, except to put it into our third party email software that allows us to email you.

Our third part email software solution is called ConvertKit. They too follow strict privacy policy ( ) you can read on their website.

You can unsubscribe from our email lists by clicking the unsubscribe link on every email we send. From that link you can control what emails you receive. Or you can choose to receive no emails and you will be deleted from the email database.

We don’t rent or sell your personal or email information to anybody. If you every wish to have a record of your data form our database, please contact us. We can also provide you proof of deletion if you require this.

Name and address:

We store your name and address for email purposes above. Also all customers have their name stored so I can support and service you.

Your address is stored only if you purchase a physical product and used only for shipping you products. We keep your physical address on file because you might purchase more products in the future. If you ever need or want it deleted, contact us and we will remove your address from our customer database.

The source of your mailing address in all cases is you.

We do not share or rent or sell your mail address to any other company and no other third party software touches your mailing address.

Social networks:

You can connect your Facebook or Google account to our website if you’re a member. This allows for fast and easy login.

The source of your social network profiles comes from you.

This is done through an app we created on each platform.

No body else has access to the apps data or your social profile. You can’t invite others… the app does not automatically invite others. It touches no other profiles.

Lifestyle information:

If you took our quizzes or fitness analysis quizzes, you provided information about how you exercise and what you struggle with.

The source of this information in all cases comes from you.

We store this information in our subscriber and customer database. We do not rent, sell, or give any of this data away. We only use it to help give you the experience you want and need. To make sure you get relevant information that matters to you and to help solve your problems.

We download this data every three months. We delete all name fields and all email fields. We keep the answers on file in a spreadsheets so we can profile who uses our website. This allows us to give you a better experience and the solutions to make your fitness life easier.

No identifiable information is kept on file, rented, sold, or used for any purposes.

Why we need to process this information:

Credit card information for purchases:

So we can have a fair exchange of value for the service we provide.

Email address:

So we can send you Fit Women’s Weekly updates, member updates, special offers, information to help you workout smarter and better.

Name and address:

So we know who we’re talking with and so we can ship you the products you order.

Social networks:

So you can log into your account and use the workouts and coaching we provide.

Lifestyle information:

So we can make sure you are getting the fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle information that helps you solve your problems.

How you can control your data:

If you can a member, you can log into your account and change anything you want.

You can cancel your account and delete your data.

You can contact us and we will handle the updating or deleting of your personal data for you.

Site cookies:

We use cookies through Google Analytics software solution. This allows us to see who is using our site, what pages are people reading and visiting, plus other website usage data.

This data is called non-personal information because it has nothing to do with your specifics, just how you use our site.

Google has complied with all laws in how cookies are managed and we set up and rule that after 3 months, all of your website usage data in Google Analytics is deleted. Keep in mind if you keep coming back which I hope you do, new usage data is recored.

We use Facebook cookies to see what you are interested in. This is to your benefit because you will only see ads and hear from us... in regards to things you're interested in.

No other cookies are used on our site at the moment.

What is a cookie?

It’s a small text file placed on your browser so your browser can remember who you are. This helps to make sure what you see is relevant to you and not some random information.

You can learn how to block all cookies to your browser here. But I suggest you don’t do this or your internet experience will go downhill fast. Let me know if you have any questions about that.

Here are the companies that touch your data:

ConvertKit: No Address (virtual company)

This is our email delivery software provider.

Cloudflare hosting

This is where we host our website.