Fit Women's Weekly Live Logo

success success stories

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These are all real testimonials. My members take action. If you want similar results you need to join and take action too. I want you to join, but if you don’t use FWW LIVE… nothing will change. Join. Take action. I will help you smash your goals.

I Love Getting Pushed By Kindal!

A real FWW LIVE member

Rachel, KY

I Love Getting Pushed By Kindal!

I am a group fitness instructor & I am always looking for someone to push me to get better. Kindal, you rock at that.

I love the tracking sheets of the challenges because honestly I enjoy reading other people's responses. Ha! I also really liked recipe sharing/whats for lunch or dinner posts.

I felt a significant growth in my upper body strength and feel stronger all over. I needed this!

FWW LIVE member

Rachel, KY

Don't Sell Yourself Short

A real FWW LIVE member

Sam, SC

Don't Sell Yourself Short

Kindal and Dan are super supportive.

They don't let you sell yourself short. They make sure you push yourself harder than you think you can.

Plus you get professional help which helped me solve issues with my knees.

FWW LIVE member

Sam, SC

I've Never Been More Consistent

A real FWW LIVE member

Krystal, SC

I've Never Been More Consistent

I have never been so consistent with workouts in my life before FWW Live! The workouts challenge me and I loved that days have themes so the workouts are never the same or even similar.

The tracking sheet held me accountable. It's easy to read and fill out. It was also neat to see other people's responses, recipes, and even struggles to remind me I'm not alone in this.

I was able to make FWW work in my garage. I even had my daughter Kerrigan do a lot of the workouts with me.

FWW LIVE member

Krystal, SC

Love Strength Training!

A real FWW LIVE member

Stacey, SC

Love Strength Training!

I love Kindal and Dan's workouts. I have been working out at their studio for a couple years. And now I'm doing Fit Women's Weekly and it's great. FWW workouts are just as amazing as their studio workouts.

I love how they focus on strength because this is the most important thing for women.

FWW LIVE member

Stacey, SC

Stronger During Lockdown!

A real FWW LIVE member

Catherine, SC

Stronger During Lockdown!

I love your challenges! I'm proud I not only kept up my pre-covid level of fitness but I actually got stronger overall during the shutdown thanks to FWW!

My push-ups are way better. I hadn't seen any progress with them before the shutdown and actually started this challenge still doing them on my knees. It hit me around week 4 that my arms (triceps, really) felt so much stronger and now I'm on my toes.

I'm proud of where I am right now and will definitely get lower.

FWW LIVE member

Catherine, SC

These Workouts Feel Great!

A real FWW LIVE member

Kate, SC

These Workouts Feel Great!

Kindal's workouts feel great. I love her high rep workouts because they're a challenge and I get lost in them. I am finally using the kettlebells that have been collecting dust.

Join Fit Women's Weekly. You will love it!.

FWW LIVE member

Kate, SC

if these women
can do it can do it
so can you!

Erin taking a post workout sweaty selfie.
Rachel taking a post workout sweaty selfie.
Brittany sweaty selfie
Heather taking a post workout sweaty selfie.
Brittany taking a post workout sweaty selfie.
Misty taking a post workout sweaty selfie.
Rachel and Friend taking a post workout sweaty selfie.
Sam taking a post workout sweaty selfie.
Tamara taking a post workout sweaty selfie.
Bryna taking a post workout sweaty selfie.

I love that you have become a part of our household

A real FWW LIVE member

Steffany, MT

I love that you have become a part of our household

I love that you have become a part of our household.

I usually workout after everyone has left but tonight I did it in the evening and as my husband walked through the garage he shouted "HI [Kindal Boyle](!", then later my son comes out and says oh wow, look at what she just did.

Then he proceeded to knock out a couple candlestick tuck jumps!

So thank you for being a positive part of our family!

FWW LIVE member

Steffany, MT

Love Kindal's Workouts

A real FWW LIVE member

Rachell, LA

Love Kindal's Workouts

Kindal's workouts always leave me drenched in sweat.

They are great and always challenging. I am extra grateful to have the Fit Women's Weekly LIVE workouts. Thanks Kindal!

FWW LIVE member

Rachell, LA

Quicker Results!

A real FWW LIVE member

Rosella, TN

Quicker Results!

Kindal and Dan sincerely care that you are getting the most out of the workouts.

Plus they help coach you when you need help.

I also believe I get results quicker from this type of functional workout as compared to the other class orientated fitness programs I have tried.

FWW LIVE member

Rosella, TN

It's Like They Can See You!

A real FWW LIVE member

Bryna, SC

It's Like They Can See You!

It's like they can see you through the camera because just when you feel your form breaking down... they yell out tips and encouragement to stay strong.

I LOVE the workouts. It's exactly what I've been needing when I can't make it to the studio. Join FWW, you will not regret one second of it.

FWW LIVE member

Bryna, SC

Doing Something Great!

A real FWW LIVE member

Tracey, IL

Doing Something Great!

I don't understand it.

I am an exercise junkie and yet... FWW LIVE workouts are doing something great for me.

Something no other workout has done before and I have tried a lot of them.

I cannot believe how much I have improved. I am up to using my 30lb and 35lb kettlebell for nearly every exercise. I have added 10 reps to my reverse rows and I started using two 40lb kettlebells for my deadlifts.

FWW LIVE member

Tracey, IL

I lost 39 lbs over 32 weeks!

A real FWW LIVE member

Bev, FL

I lost 39 lbs over 32 weeks!

I lost 39 lbs over 32 weeks!

I am definitely stronger. I am getting lower in my pushups.

I am lifting until I can't lift anymore.

Overall a great improvement and I will not stop now that I had an excellent trainer to get me jump started.

Thank-you very much!

FWW LIVE member

Bev, FL

Awesome. Lost 12 Pounds

A real FWW LIVE member

Christa, CA

Awesome. Lost 12 Pounds

OMG, the workouts are so challenging! I workout daily and would say that they are amazing for someone that is very active in life.

During the last 6 week challenge, I felt great during and after and so proud that I lost about 12 pounds over the 6 weeks. I also felt incredibly stronger and faster. Thanks!

FWW LIVE member

Christa, CA

Worth Every Penny!

A real FWW LIVE member


Worth Every Penny!

I just got a notification that my monthly membership has been paid. I smiled because it is worth every penny!!!

Love the awesome workouts and energy you bring with them! Thank you for all the hard work and dedication you put into it so that people everywhere and at anytime can benefit!

This Kansas City chick that works 70 hours a week appreciates you!

You guys and the community you have built ROCK!"

FWW LIVE member


Awesome Workouts!

A real FWW LIVE member

Kristin, RI

Awesome Workouts!

Love Fit Women's Weekly workouts.

They are tough... the variety is the best.

I always look forward to the next one. You have to be part of our group!

FWW LIVE member

Kristin, RI

My Body Is Actually Changing

A real FWW LIVE member

Lourdes, SC

My Body Is Actually Changing

I was reflecting in how cool it was I finish my first challenge. 6 weeks committed to my fitness and nutrition.

I used to hate myself when I look at the mirror because I wasn't happy with the way I look.

Last week I was getting ready for the day and I saw myself in the mirror... my body is changing. I keep going because I see changes and it makes me happy to feel like a badass every time I finish a workout.

Thank you so much, and please keep the workouts. I get to do them even if I am at work and have some spare time!

FWW LIVE member

Lourdes, SC

They Actually Listen To You

A real FWW LIVE member

Tamara, AZ

They Actually Listen To You

I actually did a challenge and stuck with it. Yay!

It was fun and motivating. I was challenged in a great way where I could modify where I needed or rest when I had to. But I also felt pushed to keep going just a little bit longer before I stopped. I loved how I asked for more lateral movements and you guys added them in, which I appreciated and felt like my workouts were balanced.

Loved that my reps increased so much on my progress workouts and I also saw a huge gain in the amount of pushups I was able to accomplish. I went from 25 pushups to 63 pushups from the first to last workout.

FWW LIVE member

Tamara, AZ

Care About Form

A real FWW LIVE member

Saudia, IN

Care About Form

I started working out on my own trying to get back into shape two years ago after having two babies. I started with videos that helped get me in shape. But as I got further in with these videos I realized it wasn’t about form at all but high heart rates and trying lose weight fast.

I became frustrated with working out with videos because I know how easy it is to get hurt if you aren’t doing proper form and thought that this was a terrible way for people to fall in love with fitness. Then, with a random search, in comes Kindal. I first listened to Kindal’s podcast and then started following her Instagram page, I was so appreciative of how genuine she was on trying to help others on their fitness journey. It wasn’t about her followers or her business, it was about getting things done, and doing so the right way. She opened my eyes further with proper nutrition and form and I just haven’t looked back since! You guys truly care about form and remind us to listen to our bodies, which I appreciate. You have open ears and are willing to help whenever and wherever. I can’t imagine furthering my strength goals without you two, even with 800 miles between us! Thank you!!!

FWW LIVE member

Saudia, IN

Kindal in s deep side kettlebell side lunge working her way through an intense metabolic strength workout.

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