Plan Smart Eat Real Logo
Kindal doing a kettlebell pushup

8 Weeks of Meal Planning done for you

Meal planning melts body fat and shrinks your body.

But meal planning is HARD!

  • Too many recipes leads to overwhelm

  • Friends, co-workers sway and tease you

  • Temptation surrounds you everywhere you go

  • Stress drains you emotionally

  • Sometimes you flat out don’t want to eat healthy (and that’s okay)

& doing it alone makes it harder...

how can you make meal
planning planning

Let me do it for you.

That’s why I don’t just teach meal planning… I do it for my clients.

1. Create the weekly recipes

2. Test and tweak the recipes

3. Plan and organize the meals

4. Prep alternate recipes and ingredients

for 8 years I've been
coaching coaching
& cooking & cooking
for women

  • I’ve privately coached dozens of one on one clients

  • I’ve hosted dozens of group nutrition coaching groups with over 147 women per session

  • Plus I do weekly meal prep for my special private clientele

Kindal holding meals she prepped for private clients
Kindal holding a bunch of healthy meals she has cooked

for 8 years I've been
coaching coaching
& cooking & cooking
for women

  • I’ve privately coached dozens of one on one clients

  • I’ve hosted dozens of group nutrition coaching groups with over 147 women per session

  • Plus I do weekly meal prep for my special private clientele

NASM Certified Nutritionist

NASM Women's Weight Loss Specialist

i'm hosting plan smart
eat real eat real

A special 8 week nutrition coaching program where I do the planning for you holding you accountable to serious results.

Get Started Today...Download MyFREE Macro &Meal PlanningCheatsheet

  • Get the most accurate macro numbers to start with

  • Outline your meals for the week with this cool trick

  • Use My Fitness Plan? Don't use this feature

  • 5 healthy... delectible... dessert recipes

  • Plus a custom one week meal plan

  • Download for FREE!
Healthy Dessert Guide Macro and Meal Planning Cheatsheet cover
Download for FREE!

here's how plan smart eat real will melt fat from your body

1. a brand new custom selected
meal plan meal plan
every week

Every week I create:

  • 3 breakfasts

  • 3 lunches

  • 5 dinners

  • 3 desserts and snacks

Plan Smart Eat Real recipe Plan Smart Eat Real recipe
Plan Smart Eat Real recipe Plan Smart Eat Real recipe Plan Smart Eat Real recipe Plan Smart Eat Real recipe Plan Smart Eat Real recipe

Every recipe is custom created and paired to create the perfect weekly menu.

Fewer options means you won't deal with recipe overwhelm. You'll actually use the recipes.

And using the recipes means you'll start burning fat from week 1.

Plan Smart Eat Real recipe Plan Smart Eat Real recipe Plan Smart Eat Real recipe Plan Smart Eat Real recipe

112 Recipes 112 Recipes

At the end of 8 weeks you’ll have 112 recipes plus a few bonus recipes. More than enough to build a personalized fat burning menu.

Get Started Today...Download MyFREE Macro &Meal PlanningCheatsheet

  • Get the most accurate macro numbers to start with

  • Outline your meals for the week with this cool trick

  • Use My Fitness Plan? Don't use this feature

  • 5 healthy... delectible... dessert recipes

  • Plus a custom one week meal plan

  • Download for FREE!
Healthy Dessert Guide Macro and Meal Planning Cheatsheet cover
Download for FREE!

i'll help you build your
ideal fat ideal fat
burning burning

I’m going to introduce you to new healthy recipes every week.

At the end of 8 weeks you’ll have 14 to 20 recipes you LOVE.

  • Recipes you keep coming back too

  • Recipes you can cook fast

  • Your personalized healthy menu

That’s what real meal planning is… rotating your favorite meals so it’s easy.

Kindal holding her Kitchenaid mixer ready to cook up some meals
Kindal holding a bunch of healthy meals she has cooked

i'll help you build your
ideal fat ideal fat
burning burning

I’m going to introduce you to new healthy recipes every week.

At the end of 8 weeks you’ll have 14 to 20 recipes you LOVE.

  • Recipes you keep coming back too

  • Recipes you can cook fast

  • Your personalized healthy menu

That’s what real meal planning is… rotating your favorite meals so it’s easy.

the secret to healthy eating is
ease of use ease of use

When you know how to prep and prepare healthy, delicious meals fast… eating healthy is easy.

Eating healthy become convenient… “easy to use.”

And burning body fat becomes automatic.

Kindal cooking a meal Kindal cooking a meal Kindal cooking a meal Kindal cooking a meal Kindal cooking a meal

budget friendly grocery lists and
ingredients ingredients

Kindal grocery shopping and showing key products to purchase
Kindal grocery shopping and showing key products to purchase

Detailed grocery lists for each weekly meal plan.

You’ll use real ingredients. Nothing exotic or high priced requiring a speciaty store.

I’ll introduce you to sections of your normal grocery store and foods you’ve never used before.

Kindal grocery shopping and showing key products to purchase

3. weekly nutrition
coaching coaching
to hold you accountable

Learning to eat healthy by yourself is near impossible.

You need a coach and fit family to turn to.

  • Have private access to me at any time during the program in our Facebook Group

  • Every week I’ll go LIVE to answer questions, coach you, and help you overcome the inevitable challenges

  • Plus find two to three other women and form a person accountability group

Plus we’ll do private podcast to highlight success stories and the secrets that helped these members succeed.

Get Started Today...Download MyFREE Macro &Meal PlanningCheatsheet

  • Get the most accurate macro numbers to start with

  • Outline your meals for the week with this cool trick

  • Use My Fitness Plan? Don't use this feature

  • 5 healthy... delectible... dessert recipes

  • Plus a custom one week meal plan

  • Download for FREE!
Healthy Dessert Guide Macro and Meal Planning Cheatsheet cover
Download for FREE!