Workout With a Trainer LIVE and FINALLY... burn fat & get strong
current online fitness apps just suck!
Accountability doesn’t exist with fitness programs and apps anymore.
You’re force fed a bunch of random crap making you feel…
Ignored? Ignored?
When you miss a workout or have a bad day… nobody messages or calls you out to hold you accountable.
Alone? Alone?
When you have a personal question… maybe a joint issue… or an exercise is too hard. You have nobody to turn to for help.
Bored? Bored?
You’re on again… off again… workouts are boring, repetative and the exercises don’t challenge you. You lose interest and fall into old habits.
bottom line: you don't get results
so we rebuilt the online fitness app experience
This is Fit Women's Weekly LIVE
The only online program where you workout… talk to… and get coached by a real trainer as if you were coached in person.
Three fresh ideas change how your body responds to strength training:
1. Limited Membership 1. Limited Membership
Only 300 active members are allowed in the group. You aren’t just a number… I know you by name.
2. Real Coaching 2. Real Coaching
Because I know you… you get personalized training, coaching, and support from me and Dan.
3. Killer Workouts 3. Killer Workouts
We’ve been designing workouts for over 18 years. That’s what we do… get women strong.

Here's How FWW LIVE Will Change Your Body
11 streaming workout classes per week
Think of FWW LIVE like a private fitness studio.
Just like a luxury fitness studio… you get access to a full schedule of 16 LIVE classes per week.
Everyday I LIVE stream:
30 Minute Workout
An intense, "express" workout that will leave you sweaty... muscles burning... and get you right back to your busy day.
60 Minute Workout
A hardcore... full length workout designed to maximize the amount of fat you burn and strength your body develops.
the ultimate balanced workout system
Every day has a workout theme. As you repeat the theme week to week you:
Burn more body fat through progression based training
Build more strength through proper overload and recovery
Have more fun doing brand new workouts every week
swipe to view more
workouts designed to fit your busy life!
Running late and can’t make the LIVE workout?
Do you prefer to workout early in the morning when I’m not streaming?
Not a problem.
Every workout is recorded giving you freedom to build your workout schedule.
5 streaming personal training sessions
A brand new workout class designed to level up your skills.
Everyday I lead a private coaching class where you:
Learn and practice new exercises and movements
Fix specific joint pain… improve mobility… help your body move better
Work on the mental game of exercise and living a healthy life

i'm Your personal coach
Post personal videos
for training support and review.
LIVE access to talk to me
during workouts for immediate coaching feedback.
Daily access to me and Dan
in our private Facebook Group for on the go coaching when you need it most.
" i'm going to be with you every step of the way to smash your fitness goals!
special bonus... fww live fitness app
We’ve built the only fitness app to help you stay accountable and make living your fit life easier.
The only app that delivers results.
Finally track the numbers that unlock fat loss and strength gains
Save and schedule workouts for accelerated results
Take on 30 day challenge plans when you need a fitness reset
The app is FREE for members.
Click the button below and learn about the app features.
my primary goal is to make it easy to get your workouts done!
If I can make it easy for your to show up on a consistent basis to your workouts…
You’ll get the results you want.
I do everything I can to make this happen:
I design the workouts and plans
I deisgn the recovery
I coach and train you to make this work
FWW LIVE is your personal strength training studio for your busy life.
how much does "live" cost to join?
Because I personally coach members of FWW LIVE… membership is very limited!
Only 300 women can be active members at one time.
Currently we’re changing how women can become new members.
The purchase buttons below are disabled until the beginning of December.
30 Day Guarantee
30 Day Money Back Guarantee. I pour my soul into FWW LIVE. But I know it’s not for everyone. If it’s not for you… just let me know and I’ll refund you immediately.
So give FWW LIVE a shot. You have zero risk to try it out and with limited membership… you shouldn’t wait.