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5 Minute Kettlebell Workout - The Thinning

This workout is unique and fun!

And while it's really tough... it's a workout design that energizes you as you get closer to finishing.

No joke... you will get more excited and you'll actually work harder as this workout goes on, all because of the design.

So let's get into it!

5 Minute Kettlebell Workout - The Thinning Breakdown

I call this workout The Thinning (sounds kinda scary) because it's a race to zero workout.

But it's not only a race to zero... the way I structured the reps and exercises, as you get to the end of the workout... exercises will start disappearing and the workout will get shorter.

Let me show you how this goes...

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    8 Kettlebell sling shots

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    7 Kettlebell snatches

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    6 Shoulder presses weak side only

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    5 Racked squats strong side only

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    4 Kettlebell cleans per side - heavier

You'll go through the entire circuit.

Each round ALL REPS will drop by one.

Here's where the magic happens...

After four rounds the kettlebell cleans get removed.

After five rounds the racked squats get removed.

Each successive round an exercise gets removed... and this is where things get really fun and energizing. It's exciting to see the exercises disappear.

The Thinning Workout Notes

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    This is a kettlebell workout... you can't really do it with dumbbells.

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    The shoulder presses are ALWAYS on the weak side.

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    Racked squats are ALWAYS on the strong arm.

This is a type of training not enough people do. By exercising your weak side only... you're actually bringing balance to your body.

big idea

Nearly every human being has one side of their body that's stronger than the other. This is - obviously - called the weak side.

And yet most programs and apps make workouts that are "balanced"... ie - workouts where the two sides of your body are always using the same weight.

But in reality, if you want to create a balanced body... you would "over-exercise" the arm that's weaker... the legs that's weaker... the part of your back that's underdeveloped.

This brings balance to your body. It's very much like rehabilitation training... and easy to add into any workout.

Work the weak side of your body more buy using heavier weights or adding in additional reps. Or just join FWW LIVE and I'll help bring balance to your workouts for you!

Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut. Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut.

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5 Minute Kettlebell Workout - The Thinning Exercise Breakdown

Kettlebell Sling Shots

Kindal at the shoulder position of the sling shot. The kettlebell is in her palm and directly in front of her shoulder. She is ready to toss it off into the next rep.
Kindal tosses the kettlebell off her shoulder and makes sure that it falls straight down and not at an angle.
Kindal ensures the kettlebell falls straight between her legs so she can make the pass to her other hand easier. Plus notice the slight hip hinge and squat that makes it easier to complete the kettlebell pass.
Kindal fires up from the kettlebell pass creating momentum to sling the kettlebell around her hips and up to her opposite shoulder.
Kindal is using the momentum of the kettlebell and only directing it across her body up towards her shoulder.
Kindal catches the kettlebell up at her opposite shoulder with her palm. This returns the kettlebell back to shoulder position so she can go immediately into the next rep.

This is a really fun exercise. Sling shots can both be a tough exercise but also a way to seamlessly transition the kettlebell to the other side of your body.

Sling shots are important to learn.

Step 1

Start with the kettlebell in racked position. It doesn't matter which arm you choose to start with.

Throw the kettlebell out from rack as if you were going into a single kettlebell swing.

Step 2

As the kettlebell flows through your legs... squat down just a little because you're going to pass the kettlebell to your other hand immediately after it passes through your legs.

This will take practice. The key is to MAKE SURE the kettlebell passes straight through your legs. Don't let it hug too tight towards the side of your body that you're passing the kettlebell to.

form tip

Be very careful as you learn sling shots. It's very possible to hit your knee as you pass the kettlebell between your legs.

This is why it's VITAL you ensure the kettlebell passes through the middle of your legs.

It's easy to favor the side where you'll pass the kettlebell. And if you get too close your legs... you can easily hit your knee.

It hurts so please be careful!

Step 3

After you pass the kettlebell to your other arm... fire out of your mini squat (with a little hip hinge). This will create speed as the kettlebell flings around your body.

You're going to direct the kettlebell across the front of your body and catch it up at your opposite shoulder. This is not a rack position... take a look at the images.

Step 4

Push the kettlebell back off your chest and you'll go immediately into the next rep by letting the kettlebell swing between your legs.

This is a smooth and fast exercise that connects from one rep to the next gracefully.

Again... sling shots will take practice. But, once you get the hang of them... they are a lot of fun.

Kettlebell Snatches

Kindal in the fully loaded kettlebell power position. She will need all of the power her hips can produce to get the kettlebell over her head. Notice she is in a good balance position.
Kindal pulling on the kettlebell to redirect it straight up. This creates the momentum that makes the kettlebell slightly weightless. And this sets up the punch around.
As the kettlebell reaches about chest height or slightly above, Kindal punches around the kettlebell so it lands softly on her forearm.
Kindal directing the kettlebell high up to fully pressed extension. Remember, this is not a press, rather it's the result of the momentum created from the pull which all comes from the hips. Reach that kettlebell bell up high.

Step 1

Hike the kettlebell back so you're in a strong loaded position.

Make sure you let your other arm go back and through the entire snatch, it will mimic the arm that is carrying the kettlebell.

Step 2

From the loaded position... fire your hips hard to get the kettlebell moving.

As you're nearly standing straight up and the kettlebell passes between your legs... pull up on the kettlebell to redirect it straight up.

Step 3

Keep your elbow close to your body and as the kettlebell get's to just past chest height... punch around the kettlebell so you can smoothly catch it on your forearm as you press your arm and reach it all the way up above your head.

Make sure you read my post about how to do a kettlebell snatch . This a FAST movement and as you get better... it will become silky smooth and graceful.

Kettlebell Shoulder Presses

Kindal in a strong rack position with her body engaged and ready to push out and up to get the kettlebell above her head.
Kindal fully extending the kettlebell above her head. Overhead presses work not only strength but shoulder mobility and range of motion.

Step 1

Start with the kettlebell in rack position. Remember... in this workout you will ALWAYS use your weak side.

Make sure... if you were to open your hand... the palm of your hand is facing across your body.

Step 2

Start the press motion by rotating your arm laterally out to the side.

And at nearly the same time... you'll begin pressing the kettlebell over your head.

It's an out and up motion. Check out the images.

Step 3

Press the kettlebell over your head to full extension. Really work on reaching up high each time. It's easy to get a little lazy and not fully extend up.

By extending all the way up you're maximizing the muscle engagement. This is important.

Kettlebell Racked Squats

Kinda standing tall with the kettlebell racked on her strong side. She has a good stance and is focused on twisting her feet into the ground and on balance across her entire foot.
Kindal's knees being pushed out helps to keep her weight towards the outside of her feet. You can see her knees are out past her feet both laterally and vertically. Her balance is perfectly balanced and she's not leaning too far forward or back.

Step 1

Start in rack position with your feet about hip to shoulder width.

Before you even squat... lightly twist your feet into the ground so your legs are fully engaged. Hold your core engaged... not crunched... but fully engaged.

Step 2

Squat down. For this workout let's go just below parallel if you can get down that far.

Use a box as a guide for how low to squat. I use boxes and medicine balls all the time to assist with my squats.

Make sure you keep twisting your feet into the ground. This will lightly push your knees out.

Knee out toward the outside of your foot is mechanically a strong position.

Plus it will help keep your knees from caving in.

Finally keep your torso tall. If you're new to squats... only go down as far as when your torso starts to bend forward. This is the level where mobility issues arise.

Kettlebell Cleans

Kindal in the loaded position. This is a strong hip hinge so she can unload all of her power to help propel the kettlebell forward.
Kindal tugging the kettlebell straight up to direct it towards her chest. This is what will make the kettlebell somewhat weightless so she can punk around it.
Kindal punching around the kettlebell as it passes her chest. The punch is her taking control so the bell lands gently on her forearm in the full racked position.
Kindal in active clean position. This is easy to get into when you perform the kettlebell punch around correctly. Now Kindal will toss the kettlebell off her chest for the next clean.

Step 1

Hike the kettlebell back so you're in a strong loaded position.

For cleans you don't have to be in a deep hip hinge position compared to a snatch. But since we are going heavy... it can help to go a little deeper than for a normal clean.

Step 2

Fire from your hips with control and as the kettlebell comes between your legs pull on on the kettlebell to redirect it straight up.

Make sure you keep your elbow close to your body. This means your arm will bend.

Step 3

As the kettlebell is moving up and it gets about about stomach height... punch around the kettlebell and bring it to rack position.

The punch around will take practice if you're new. Purchase my Strong program and go through my full Kettlebell Clinic. It's the first part of the program.

Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut. Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut.

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How Cool Would It Be To Have Me As You're Personal Trainer?

Don't you wish you could workout with a trainer?

  • Bullet point

    Sweat together...

  • Bullet point

    Count reps out loud...

  • Bullet point


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    And push hard together!

Share the experience of getting fit together.

Fit Women's Weekly is a small collection of strength training programs built for women.

There are only two types of programs I create:

My - LIVE - Personalized Coaching Program

This is my private strength training group where I custom design workouts every weekday for my members.

What's even better... I personally LIVE stream every workout and do the workout with you.

I am your workout partner. Plus what's really cool and different is:

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    I count all reps out loud to lead a tough pace

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    I talk to you LIVE to help motivate and keep you engaged

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    You can chat with me LIVE and I'll respond back to you in real time

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    I'll show you in real time exercise modifications and coaching

This is like hiring me to be your personalized one-on-one trainer but for a small fraction of the cost.

Go learn more about the program because membership is very limited given the high touch nature of the training.

Checkout the pricing page and if there are spots available join!

Let me know if you have questions.

My 30 Day Strength Programs

Finally... I have my collection of 30 day strength training programs called Habit.

This is a very unique program where I've created a new style of workout called MicroHITS.

Currently I have about 8... 30 day programs available on my Vimeo page .

Soon Habit will be built into an app that will help you:

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    Track results

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    Make staying consistent easier

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    Plus make gamifying fitness a reality

I suggest you start with my beginner strength training program called Ignite or Body Burn Focus . Focus is more advanced but perfect if you workout with dumbbells.

Now go get the Thinning DONE... and let me know how it goes.

Comment on the YouTube video and follow me on my socials.

ready to end your workout rut?

Ignite 30 training plan template cover

primary goal

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

nutrition challenge

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

nutrition challenge

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

busy goal

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

nutrition challenge

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

Sick and tired of the fitness flip flop...

On... off... on... off...

Being stuck in a workout rut with ZERO results?

Download my Ignite 30 training template and...

  • Discover my simple secret to stay consistent

  • Use this one daily trick and accelerate your results

  • Make planning for a busy week simple... easy... & doable!

Learn about the template and download your copy for FREE!

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