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Blueberry Protein Bars - Healthy Recipe

$4 for 180 calorie snack?!

Are you kidding me?

Protein bars are insanely expensive.

I love a Blueberry Quest Bar... but paying $4 for a 180 calorie protein "snack" bar is robbery.

And don't get me started on the ingredients in the bar:

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    18 ingredients (that's a lot... btw)

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    3 artificial sweeteners (if erythritol makes you gassy... walk away)

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    13g of fiber and gum that can also lead to bloat and stomach issues

$4 for a gassy... bloated belly...

No thanks!

I'm not picking on Quest Bars. Quest is one of the better options and I do grab one from time to time. Just imagine the others.

I Love The Convenience Of A Protein Bar

Protein bars are a great, instant snack to:

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    Fill you up

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    Satisfy a temporary sweet tooth craving

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    Give you some calories for a pre-workout

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    Give you that little bit of guilt free boredom eating

So I have a question for you...

Ready To Create A Healthy - Affordable - Protein Bar?

Let's get in the kitchen and create a homemade blueberry protein bar that tastes even better than what you'll find at your local store.

But a quick disclaimer...

These bars are made with fresh ingredients so keep them in the fridge or freezer for the best texture and preservation.

Homemade Blueberry Protein Bar Recipe

Blueberry protein bars
Blueberry protein bars
Blueberry protein bars

Quantity: 8 bars
Prep time: 10 minutes

Nutrition Breakdown

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    210 Calories

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    17g Protein

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    30g Carbohydrates

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    6g Fat


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    1 Cup Raw, Unsalted Cashews

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    1/3 Cup Low Fat Cottage Cheese

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    1/4 Cup Honey

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    2 Cups Oats

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    1/2 Cup Vanilla Protein

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    2 Tbsp Chia Seeds

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    1/4 Cup Natural Blueberry Jam (or real blueberries)

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    Optional: 3 Tbsp Freeze Dried Blueberries

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    Optional: 1/4 Cup Plain (or vanilla) collagen

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Ingredient Tips

Here are my favorite brands for some of these ingredients.

But, of course, grab the best option for you. If you have any questions... just contact me or shoot me a comment on the YouTube video .

Blueberry Protein Bar Directions

Step 1

Add all ingredients on a blender or food processor and blend until semi-smooth.

You don't want to blend too much and make it super smooth. It's good to keep some chunks and "fat" pieces of the ingredients smooshed together.

Step 2

Line a 9 in x9 in baking pan with parchment and press the mix into the pan. Try to be as smooth as possible.

Pay attention to your thickness. This will impact the crunchiness or the bars.

Step 3

Let your protein bars set in the freezer for at least 30 minutes before removing.

This helps to keep the bars together so they don't lose their shape.

Step 4

Cut into 8 bars to stick with my serving recommendation. However... you can cut them up however you like.

Smaller bars might be perfect for a workday or a pre-workout snack.

For an extra zing, drizzle with white chocolate... but completely optional and not needed.

Wrap each bar in plastic wrap or ziplock baggies for a quick grab and go. Try your best not to eat them too fast.

Practice discipline 😉!

Macros & Meal Planning Made Easy!

Plan Smart Eat Real free macro and meal planning cheatsheet
  • Get the most accurate macro numbers to start with

  • Use My Fitness Plan? Don't use this feature

  • 5 healthy... delectible... dessert recipes

  • Plus a custom one week meal plan

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Are You Ready To Master Your Meal Planning?

These blueberry protein bars are fast... easy... delicious. They're high in protein to help support your metabolism and muscle recovery post workouts!

Plus... each bar is also a great source of carbohydrates for quick pick me up to get through the day whether that's a workout or the 3:00pm energy slump.

Let me know if you make this recipe. I want to hear about it on the YouTube video .

Do you want help with your meal planning?

So many women want to meal plan... but meal planning can be really hard.

Most programs overwhelm you with WAY too many recipes. To many options leads to inaction.

I've designed a one week meal plan for you to introduce you to how I meal prep and plan.

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    I've designed 12 recipes for you to try

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    I'm going to help you with macros

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    Plus I'll give you some of my best tips to make meal planning easier

Click here and download your copy of my Macro And Meal Planning Cheatsheet for free.

If you have any questions... follow me on my socials.

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