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Kindal rocking out some mt. climbers and pushing herself really hard because that is how you get results.
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Kindal Boyle

How to Workout With Me

You two things to get results when you workout.

1. Consistency

2. Overload

Let's focus on overload.

In non-technical terms... overload means you need to give your body something it's not used to seeing so it can adapt.

" it can adapt" means so it can:

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    Burn fat

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    Build strength

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    Get faster

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    Increase coordination

Simple put... RESULTS!

"...something it's not used to..."

Overload means:

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    More weight

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    More reps

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    Longer holds

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    More range of motion

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    New movement patterns

Simple put... something NEW!

I have two main workout programs:

Both of these programs use a similar style of metabolic strength training.

What Makes My Fitness Programs Different?

Kindal in mid-kick when doing a racked kettlebell lunge with a kick.

But what makes my programs different is the fact that I workout with you rep for rep during every single workout.

Whether you're working out with me LIVE during a FWW LIVE workout... or watching a recorded workout in Habit...

I'm always pushing hard... going rep for rep... counting reps out loud.

I workout with you to push you.

Kindal doing the ab wheel and going out into the full ab wheel extension.

Think about it like this...

It's hard to push yourself when you're by yourself.

When you're working out using a lame workout PDF... pushing hard is tough. (Just getting the workout done is a victory when you're staring at a PDF document.)

When all you have is exercise demo videos... well these end up just slowing you down.

When you're working out with a video and it's nothing but dance music and aspirational sayings... it's too easy to dance around and slack off.

(...or working out with a silly and goofy training makes you feel silly yourself. It doesn't build confidence.)

That's why I workout with you... counting reps out loud... setting a tough pace for the workout.

A pace that's going to push your limits.

Kindal dropping back into an overhead kettlebell reverse lunge.

And when you first start working out with me, you're going to go...

"WTF.. I can't keep up. This is too hard for me!"

But it's not. You just have to know how to workout with me.

Remember... unless you push your limits... your body won't adapt and change.

Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut. Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut.

have your

results stopped?

and now you're...

stuck in a

workout rut?

And lose 1 to 2 inches
and 5 pounds...
or you don't pay!
Break Me FREE!

Here's How To Workout With Me

This works for any workout you do in life and you struggle to keep up.

The Best Option: Move With Me

Kindal at the bottom of a single sided inverted kettlebell squat.

When I move to the next exercise... no matter where you are... rest with me or move to the next exercise with me.

Even if you didn't finish every rep... move with me.

The reason this works so well is...

You get to stay with me during the workout and you're less likely to get frustrated.

If you have to move with me before you complete an exercise... try to track which rep you left off at.

This way... you can repeat the workout at a later date and see how you improve.

Seeing physical improvement is the BEST way to boost motivation and belief.

The Second Best Option: Rest

Kindal at the bottom of the uneven kettlebell pushup.

When you need to rest... flat out rest.

Track where you rest so you can repeat the workout at a later date to see if you're improving or not.

When you're ready to hop back into the workout... hop back in.

The reason I'm not as big of a fan of this option is... you'll be tempted to rest a little too long before hoping back in.

Remember, you need to push your limits to get results.

I have some members of FWW LIVE who are local to me. They live in the same town.

They will come workout with me during the streaming workouts... and I see it first hand.

They'll rest when they need to.

And I usually have to coax them back into the workout... because they're resting too long.

You'll Probably Use Both Strategies

Kindal at the bottom of the kneeling kettlebell windmill.

In a "real" workout scenario... you'll most likely use both of these tactics when working out with me.

The key is to do your best to track where you rest or where you stop during an exercise.

Then if you love a particular workout... use the app and save it... schedule to repeat it in 30 days.

This is the assessment workout technique ... and it's one of the best ways to improve fast.

Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut. Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut.

have your

results stopped?

and now you're...

stuck in a

workout rut?

And lose 1 to 2 inches
and 5 pounds...
or you don't pay!
Break Me FREE!

Are You Ready To Workout With Me?

Kindal in the back position of the kettlebell halo.

Now the only question is...

Are you ready to workout with me?

You can! Just join FWW LIVE or purchase a Habit program.

FWW LIVE is my private online personal training program .

Every day in FWW LIVE I:

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    Design custom workouts for my members

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    I LIVE stream and record the workouts so we can all workout together

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    I coach and make sure my members have access to me when they need it

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    Plus you get the best workout and fitness app to help you hit your goals

Habit is a little different.

Habit is designed with the goal of helping you get into metabolic strength training and build a workout habit you can repeat for the long haul.

I do this with a workout design called Micro High Intensity Training Sessions.

These are special workouts that allow you repeat or workout stack different circuits to create the workout that fits your day.

Go learn about Habit and checkout some of my back-log workout catalog which you can purchase.

Now that you know how to workout with me and get results...

Let's do it!

I have dozens of Fit Finisher workouts you can do for FREE on my YouTube Channel and hot this website.

Let's go workout and get strong!

Follow me on social media for more tips and tricks on how to get better results faster and how to workout when you're living a busy life.

Kindal in s deep side kettlebell side lunge working her way through an intense metabolic strength workout.

feeling flabby? not getting results? & you're... stuck in a workout rut?

And lose 1 to 2 inches and 5 pounds... or you don't pay!