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Kettlebell Glute Exercises

Let's talk about how to burn some body fat and build some muscle in your hips and butt.

Using only some key kettlebell glute exercises.

While the exercises in this post can help you grow your glute muscles... if you want to purely focus on increasing muscle size... you'll need a more maximal (max strength) style of training.

These glute exercises are focused on power and speed.

Let's get into it.

Kettlebell Swings

Kindal in the loaded power position of the kettlebell swing with really good body engagement and balance.
Kindal firing hard from her hips and you can see she is nearly standing straight up as the kettlebell comes through her legs.
Kindal at the top of the kettlebell swing locked out and focused on squeezing her butt with maximum glute activation.

Of course we have to start with [kettlebell swings](/link-to-post).

Swings target your glutes and your entire posterior (backside) chain of your body.

But there are a few keys to make sure you really zero in on glute activation.

Step 1

Get the kettlebell into a strong power position with a strong hip hinge and balance over your feet.

Here you're glutes are completely dis-engaged but ready to fire.

I want to stress good balance over your feet because this will ensure it's your glutes that are doing the work.

Step 2

Fire from your hips by thrusting them forward with speed.

Here's where we're going to put some extra stress on our glutes.

As you approach the top of the swing... squeeze your butt hard and hold it until the last second when you need to start your hip hinge.

This extra focus on squeezing and holding makes a huge difference.

It helps if you focus on locking your legs out.

Remember the kettlebell should only get to chest or neck level. Never above.

Kettlebell Swing Stops

Kindal in the start position which is still semi loaded of the kettlebell start stop exercise.
Kindal hikes the kettlebell back into the loaded or power position of the kettlebell swing.
Kindal firing from her hips to get the kettlebell moving.
Kindal at the top of the swing and this is where she will try to slightly pause and get that good glute contraction.
Just like a normal swing... Kindal will return the kettlebell back to the fully loaded position.
Kindal returns the kettlebell back to the ground for a split-second pause in the very beginning start stop position.

These are great for hitting your glutes and extending that kettlebell swing pause.

Remember from above... the pause is when you get to really squeeze your glutes and hold them in a contracted state.

This is good for both power and a little endurance.

Step 1

Start in a solid start stop position.

The kettlebell is on the ground... in-front of your body.

Your feet at a little wider than shoulder width and you're hips are pushed back with a straight spine.

Hike the kettlebell back so you're now in the loaded... power... position of the kettlebell swing.

Step 2

Fire hard with your hips to get the kettlebell moving.

Lock out at the top of the swing and pause with your glutes squeezed hard.

Let the kettlebell come back down into the power position and return the kettlebell to the start stop position.

You're going to briefly tap the kettlebell to the ground in the start stop position before you hike it straight back again for the next rep.

Again... because we're focused on glutes... put your focus on squeezing your butt hard at the top of the swing with your legs fully locked out too.

Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut. Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut.

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Single Leg Deadlifts

Kindal in the start of the single leg deadlift with her back leg fully extended back. Remember you don't have to lift your back leg.
Kindal pulling from her hips and hamstrings to get the kettlebell moving straight up her leg while maintaining really good balance.
Kindal squeezing her butt at the top and standing tall with an engaged body.

To really get the most from this exercise... you'll need a heavy kettlebell.

Remember though... stressing your muscles and getting the most from an exercise is either going heavy to overload your system or going for lots of reps to overload your system.

So if you only have light weights... you'll need to increase the number of reps.

Step 1

Put your kettlebell on the ground. Let's run through this with our right foot.

Step your right foot next to the kettlebell so your ankle is in the middle of the kettlebell.

Take your left foot and move it back about 2 feet so it's on the toe.

Try hard to not put too much weight on your left foot and keep over 80% (or about) on your right foot.

Step 2

Hinge at your waist... it's important you hinge.

You will have a bend in your right leg... but it's not a squat bend... just like the kettlebell swing... a slight bend and hip hinge.

Keep in mind because we're off balance your body will torque or twist a little. Do your best to fight this torque.

So hinge down and grab the handle of the kettlebell.

Step 3

Feel the entirety of your right foot in the ground and stand up... keeping your spine straight.

It's the same motion as a kettlebell swing... but you're doing it with more strength and not explosive power.

When you get to the top of the lift... your left foot can remain touching the ground for balance... or you can lift it off the ground to engage your right leg more.

form tip

Let's talk about your left leg for a minute.

Dan (my trainer husband) prefers to keep his foot barely touching the ground in-case he needs it for balance.

I like to - try - and keep my left leg off the ground the entire time.

This is a lot more difficult because not you're working your balance too... but you do get a much better workout on the leg doing the lifting.

Step 4

Remember... at the top squeeze your butt hard... which is pretty tough to do on one leg.

When you return the weight back to the ground... start by moving your hips back and keep the kettlebell in line with your leg. That will help so you don't move it too far forward.

form tip

When you're pulling the kettlebell up and moving it back down... do this...

Move the kettlebell in-line with the leg it's next to. This will ensure it's moving along your center of gravity. This means it will be your hamstrings and butt that are doing the work.

If the weight starts to move too far forward... your back muscles will engage to offset the weight moving forward and this is where many people tweak a back muscle.

Keep the weight in-line with your leg.

Racked Curtsey Lunges

Kindal is standing tall in rack position with a heavy kettlebell. She is fully engaged with a heavy kettlebell.
Kindal steps back and across to the bottom of the curtsey lunge stressing her glute medius more than a normal lunge would do.
Kindal at the bottom of the curtsey lunge in the other side so you can see the bottom position from a different angle.

Lunges are great for your glutes... but racked curtsey lunges go a little further and really hit your glute medius muscle with some external rotation.

The glute medius is in the upper - outside corner or your butt. When this muscle contracts your hips open and rotate laterally outward.

Let's break this down.

Step 1

Step up like a normal lunge with the kettlebell racked in whichever arm you want to start with.

Keep your core tight and pulled and take a big step back... but here's where things change.

Rather than just step straight back like you would in a normal lunge...

Step back and across your body as far as you can... comfortably.

Step back with the opposite leg... so if you're holding the weight in your right arm... step back with your left leg. This will help with balance.

Step 2

When you step back you're going to move diagonal behind your body.

The pictures will make this easier to understand.

The key is going to be... how far back do you step?

If you step closer together (within reason) you can typically go down lower.

If you take a bigger step back (within reason) you will find balance and depth more of a challenge... but you'll work your muscles range of motion more.

Play with both and find the happy medium.

Kettlebell Hip Extensions

Kindal on her back with her hips on the ground and kettlebell resting on the leg that will press into the ground and into extension.
Kindal at the top of the hip extension pushing her hips high and squeezing her butt to try and get the most from her glutes. She is also rolling up on her shoulders.

There are better ways of doing hip extensions... like with a barbell...

But if you don't have a barbell... this is the next best in my opinion.

It really helps if you have a towel or yoga mat you don't mind folding up to put the weight on. (A pillow works great!)

Let's first go through this exercise without using the foam roller. Then I'll explain why you should use the roller.

Step 1

Lay on your back with your legs bent.

Put the kettlebell on the front of your hip (on the towel) and over the leg that you're going to be pushing with.

Extend your other leg off the ground... nearly straight into the sky. It's okay if it's bent a little.

Step 2

Thrust your hip into the sky as high as you can.

You will roll up onto your shoulders when you push up.

Make sure you're pushing off your entire foot that is on the ground. DO NOT push off of your toes or lift your heel off the ground.

Push through your entire foot and squeeze your butt when you are fully extended in the air.

BTW... you will use your hands to hold the kettlebell in place.

Squeeze at the top... come back down and keep repeating for the number of reps.

Why Hip Extensions On The Foam Roller

Dan actually got this modification when watching a program about how the Oregon college football trained.

When you put your foot on the foam roller... you immediately introduce imbalance which causes your brain to recruit more muscles fibers to perform the same motion.

How you do the exercise will not change... you'll just feel your hamstrings light up 10x more.

It's pretty awesome!

Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut. Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut.

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Ready To Learn More Secrets To Melting Body Fat And Toning Up?

If you add in these bootylicious kettlebell exercises into your weekly routine... you'll not only feel strength...

But you should begin to notice a tighter, firmer butt.

If you want to learn more exercises that will help you hit your body goals...

And you want to get customized workouts that use these exercises...

You have to join my premium programs.

I have two...

One is called Fit Women's Weekly LIVE. This is my private - small group - [online personal training program](/benefits-page).

FWW LIVE is a high-touch program where members get:

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    Two new, daily custom workouts

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    Every new workout is streamed LIVE in our private Facebook Group

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    Everyday I stream a LIVE coaching class

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    Unlimited questions and requests for coaching help every day with unlimited access

It's the premiere online strength program for women.

But only 300 members can currently join. There's only so much of me that can go around 😉

And that's [why I created Habit](/benefits-page).

This is a little more of a DIT strength program consisting or lots of [30 day strength programs](/programs-page).

Each program has it's own:

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    Strength theme

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    Assessment workout

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    Strength goal

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    Training plan

Go checkout the catalog of programs I have. And if you're ready... join the app... or you can purchase the programs separately.

One last thing...

Go follow my social accounts because I'm always sharing my tips and tricks in bit-sized bits to help you get results faster.

Kindal in s deep side kettlebell side lunge working her way through an intense metabolic strength workout.

feeling flabby? not getting results? & you're... stuck in a workout rut?

And lose 1 to 2 inches and 5 pounds... or you don't pay!