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Kindal Boyle

Podcast Ep. 343: Is Your Gut Normal With RD Dasha Agoulnik of CorePerform

Show Notes:

Today I'm joined with special guest, Dasha Agoulnik . Dasha is a registered dietician specializing in nutrition and epidemiology.

We covered a lot of information in this 45 minutes podcast, so make sure to listen to get all the useful nuggets.

But here's the biggest takeaways:

When placed under too much stress, our bodies react.

And when that stress goes on and on for months (or even years), sometimes we lose the ability to listen to our bodies.

Meaning we forget what "normal" feels like and associate overuse and overstressed symptoms as a new normal.

Food is one way we can help our bodies heal but it takes time, commitment and dedication.

Symptoms like:

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    Soft stools or hard stools

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None of these aren't normal!

To help clients heal and realize what healthy feels like, Dasha created a 12 week protocol. If you're experiencing GI issues, connect via

Additional Highlights:

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    What's a Dutch test? GI mapping?

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    Autoimmune disease and anti-inflammatory diets

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    How to reduce inflammation via nutrition?

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    While most supplements are useless, which might actually be useful?

For the final question regarding supplements, I'll answer it here.

Dasha recommends most people (though everyone is different) take:

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    A multi-vitamin

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    Fish oil

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    Vitamin D

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Want to connect to Dasha?

Find her on Instagram at: @DashaFitness

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