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Podcast Ep. 350: Why I Gave Up Caffeine, Sugar, And Gluten At Once!

Workout Of The Week

Very rarely do I do a workout created by someone else. But today was one of those rare days.

I saw this workout on Kristi O'Connell's YouTube (she's a Crossfit athlete) by her husband. And while I thought about making some tweaks, I decided it looked great as is.

I knew the simple format wouldn't translate into being a simple workout and I was right!

It was tough.

But I'll let you be the judge.

Every 2 Minutes x 10 Rounds:

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    10 Half Burpee Deadlifts

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    10 Squats

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    10 Overhead Presses

You can see my short demo on Instagram .

Grab a set of dumbbells and give this a go!

Show Notes

Can You Burn Fat AND Gain Muscle?

Yes and no.

These are two very different things and require complete opposite conditions.

If you are new to exercise or coming back after an injury or time off (aka you're unconditioned) then yes...

It is very possible to change your body composition by burning fat and gaining muscle.

But if you're already working out, the changes to do both simultaneously are slim.

Here's why.

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    To lose fat, you have to be in a caloric deficit.

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    To gain muscle, you have to be in a caloric surplus.

There are a few things you can do if you're not doing these things already that can play a huge roll in body composition:

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    Incorporate progressive overload strength training.

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    Increase protein intake to 1g per pound of your weight. I.e. if you weigh 130 pounds, eat 130 grams of protein.

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    Sleep. I can't stress enough how important sleep is for muscle repair, body recovery, and metabolic health.

In a timed workout... should you go light so you know you'll finish, or go heavy and maybe not?

It depends on the workout.

A good coach/trainer should explain which to go with. I always explain what the point of the workout is and give examples of what weights I use for my clients.

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    If the reps are low (under 12), chances are good you should probably go with a heavier weight.

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    If the reps are high (12+), you should probably go lighter since it looks like it will be more of an endurance focused workout.

These rules aren't set in stone, so chat with your coach/trainer to insure you're working the right stimulus.

No Caffeine, Sugar, Gluten.... WHAT?

For almost 3 weeks, I've stayed consistent with some huge nutritional changes.


Before for the past few years, my gut has been wrecked.

I've dealt with:

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    Constant bloating after eating (eating anything).

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    Unpredictable running to the bathroom with soft stools that give no warning.

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    A hemorrhoid, this was NOT fun.

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    Weight gain I couldn't shake off

You get the picture.

Enough was enough and instead of thinking these things are normal, I decided to start healing my body.

So, that lead me to a nutritional protocol of:

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    No Caffeine

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    No Dairy

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    No Sugar

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    No Gluten

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    No Nightshades (peppers, eggplant, white potatoes)

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    No Beans Or Certain Nuts

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    Limited Alcohol (I have had 2 glasses of wine/weekend)

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    1 Gallon of Water Per Day (This is HUGE for me)!

As miserable as this looks, it hasn't been miserable.

Dare I say, it's been fun. It's been fun find new foods, see my body react, and finally feel better.

I'm more energized, my bloat is gone, I've had normal poops, and my skin looks so much healthier from being hydrated.

Is this a diet?


This isn't about losing weight or a long term process.

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    It's about learning what works with my body and what doesn't.

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    To find the triggers that lead me to where I got and move forward with healthier habits.

I won't check in every week but if interested, I'll update the podcast again when it's over!

Listen in to the show for all the details.

Do You Want To Workout With Me?

You can!

I have a program called Fit Women's Weekly LIVE. It's my personal training studio in your living room .

We host 16 LIVE classes every week... but we also record every workout.

You get to build the workout schedule that fits your life.

If you want to KNOW you're doing the right style of workout...

And have a coach to help you when you have questions...

Click here and sign up for a FREE 14 day trial .

Sign up for a 14 day FREE class pass and some see what FWW LIVE is all about... then make your mind up on whether you want to join.

Kindal in s deep side kettlebell side lunge working her way through an intense metabolic strength workout.

feeling flabby? not getting results? & you're... stuck in a workout rut?

And lose 1 to 2 inches and 5 pounds... or you don't pay!