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5 Minute Inverted Kettlebell Workout - Inverted Video

Here's how this workout goes:

5 Minutes on the timer... how many rounds can you complete?

The BIG goal is to get through 4... can you?

  • Bullet point

    12 Squats straight and fast

  • Bullet point

    6 Inverted KB squats

  • Bullet point

    6 Inverted cleans

  • Bullet point

    12 Snatches

Need some more help or modifications? Check out the full blog post on this 5 Minute Inverted Kettlebell Workout .

Love this style of workout? Get more at my women's strength training and workout studio called FWW Live. You can even click to join free for 14 days .

Kindal in s deep side kettlebell side lunge working her way through an intense metabolic strength workout.

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