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5 Minute Kettlebell Flow With A 16kg Kettlebell - Around The World Video

Here's how this workout goes...

Complete the entire circuit as quickly as possible (with good form). Try not to put the kettlebell down but if you have to, that's okay. Make a note of how many breaks you take.

  • Bullet point

    8 Single swings

  • Bullet point

    Clean to 5 around the worlds

  • Bullet point

    8 Single swings

  • Bullet point

    Clean to 5 around the worlds

  • Bullet point

    8 Clean to press

  • Bullet point

    5 Around the worlds

  • Bullet point

    8 Clean to press

  • Bullet point

    5 Around the worlds

  • Bullet point

    8 Lateral swings

  • Bullet point

    5 Around the worlds

  • Bullet point

    8 Lateral swings

  • Bullet point

    5 Around the worlds

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    3 Around the Worlds into 3 snatches for rest of time

If you finish within the 5 minute cap, complete as many rounds of the following until the timer hits 5 minutes...

  • Bullet point

    3 Around the worlds

  • Bullet point

    3 Snatches

Love this workout but need some more tips or breakdown of the moves? Check out the full Around The World blog post .

If you want to learn more about kettlebells, then checkout my online women's strength training studio and sign up for a free 14 day trial !

Kindal in s deep side kettlebell side lunge working her way through an intense metabolic strength workout.

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