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5 Minute Kettlebell Swing Workout - Get To 90 Video

Here's how this workout goes...

Set a timer for 5 minutes and see how many rounds you can get through of the following kettlebell circuit:

  • Bullet point

    10 Swings

  • Bullet point

    6 Squats

  • Bullet point

    10 Uneven pushups

  • Bullet point

    6 OH leg raises

The ultimate goal is to get into your 9th round for a total of 90 swings.

But it's going to be hard. If you can't hit it on your first try, repeat this workout over the next few days and see how you can improve.

To get a full breakdown of all the exercises, check out the Get To 90 Kettlebell Swing Workout blog post.

For longer workouts and more coaching, learn my about Fit Women's Weekly Live , my online strength studio and click here to join free for 14 days .

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