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5 Minute Kettlebell Workout - Weak Supersets Video

Here's how this workout goes...

This is all done on your weak side.

The only way for it to not be your weak side, is to give it some extra love and attention.

Complete 2 Rounds:

  • Bullet point

    6 Chest press - weak side

  • Bullet point

    6 Bent over row - weak side

Into 2 Rounds:

  • Bullet point

    8 Swings

  • Bullet point

    8 Racked squats - weak side

Repeat the entire workout as many rounds possible.

Can you get four rounds of the above done?

For extra help, modifications and exercise cues, check out the 5 Minute Weak Supersets blog post and get all the help you need!

Love this unique style of training? Check out my online personal training FWW Live and click here to join a 14 day trial .

ready to end your workout rut?

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primary goal

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

nutrition challenge

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

nutrition challenge

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

busy goal

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

nutrition challenge

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

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On... off... on... off...

Being stuck in a workout rut with ZERO results?

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  • Discover my simple secret to stay consistent

  • Use this one daily trick and accelerate your results

  • Make planning for a busy week simple... easy... & doable!

Learn about the template and download your copy for FREE!

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