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Kettlebell All Arms Circuit Video

Who doesn't love a good arm pump? Grab your kettlebells, spend a few minutes warming up and let's knock out this 5 minute kettlebell arm workout!

Here's how it works:

60 seconds of each exercise with just 10 seconds of rest between each one!

  • Bullet point

    Plank Shoulder Taps

  • Bullet point

    Bicep Curls

  • Bullet point

    Tricep Extensions/Skull Crushers

  • Bullet point

    Farmer Carry + OH Press Weak Side

  • Bullet point

    Farmer Carry + OH Press Strong Side

By time it's done, that's 5 minutes of focused arm work with 40 seconds of total rest. That means you'll be done in less than 6 minutes.

Are you up for it?

If you need more breakdown of each of the moves, check out the Kettlebell All Arms Workout blog post .

And if you love the challenge and ready to take on more, I think you'd love my women's strength workouts which you can try free for 2 weeks !

Kindal in s deep side kettlebell side lunge working her way through an intense metabolic strength workout.

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