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Push Pull Breathe Kettlebell Circuit Video

Here's how this workout goes down...

Part 1 - 3 Min AMRAP:

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    8 Pushups

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    8 Rows/Side

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    4 Heavy Floor Cleans

Part 2 - 2 Min AMRAP:

Quick Note: Complete 2x/side back and forth

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    4 Chest Press

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    4 Rows

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    2 Clean and Press

Because there are short intervals means you have to give 100%. If you do, you'll feel the burn!

Need help with a move?

Check out the main Push Pull Breathe Kettlebell Workout Blog Post for full details and exercise breakdown.

If you love a challenge and aren't getting it from your current workouts, check out my online personal training program , FWW Live. Click here and join a 14 day trial .

Kindal in s deep side kettlebell side lunge working her way through an intense metabolic strength workout.

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