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32kg Kettlebell Workout For Women - Hardcore Basics

So... you're looking for a 32kg kettlebell workout?

You'll love this "kettlebell foundations" workout that focuses on using a heavy (32kb) kettlebell the entire time.

You don't have to use a 32kg kettlebell... but use a heavy kettlebell that will challenge you.

Let's break this workout down so you can give it a go.

32kg Kettlebell Workout Breakdown

I call this a "foundations" workout because the exercises are foundational. This is also why the workout name is Hardcore Basics.

I call this a "foundations" workout because the exercises are foundational. This is also why the workout name is Hardcore Basics.

Here are the exercises:

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    Single kettlebell deadlifts

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    Double handed swings

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    Swing stops

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    Farmers carry

Each of these exercises is a kettlebell foundation and if you don't know how to do these:

Here's How Hardcore Basics Works

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    16 Single kettlebell deadlifts

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    16 Double handed - normal - swings

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    6 Swing stops

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    30 Sec farmers carry - alt sides per round

The **swing stops will drop 1 rep each round**.

The farmers carry can be moving... where you're walking around... or where you just stand there if you want.

Workout Goal

AMRAP. As many rounds as possible.

However... remember when you're going with a heavy weight... form is more important than speed. Don't put yourself at risk for an injury just to knock out a few more reps.

If you have more than 5 minutes... track how long it takes you to complete 4 full rounds of the workout.

Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut. Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut.

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32kg Kettlebell Workout Exercise Breakdown

Single Kettlebell Deadlift

Kindal in the deadlift bottom position. Notice her hips are pushed back and her core is tight, and her balance is really good.
Kindal at the top of her deadlift. She is in good balance and her shoulders are staying back with her legs squeezed.

This is the foundational kettlebell deadlift variation. If you want some other variations, read my post about what kettlebell should women use for deadlifts . This article goes over **three deadlift variations** you could use in this workout.

Step 1

Take a stance where your feet are about hip width to a maximum of shoulder width.

The kettlebell is between your feet and inline with your ankles. It almost feels like the kettlebell is a little behind you.

Push your hips back and keep your spine straight so it's nearly parallel to the ground.

Step 2

Pre-pull on the kettlebell so your arms are engaged and your feet are lightly pressed into the ground. Try your best to lightly twist your feet into the ground. This will help activate the muscles through your legs up to your butt.

Using your hips as the primary mover... pull the kettlebell up. Keep your feet flat on the ground... no rocking.

Step 3

Get to the top of the deadlift... lock your legs out... and squeeze your butt.

Make sure your shoulders are pulled back as well. It's easy to let the kettlebell weight pull your shoulders down and in-front of you.

Double Handed Swings

Kindal in her loaded kettlebell swing position. Her balance is really solid she is getting ready to push her hips hard to get into full kettlebell swing position.
Kindal in the full unload position. Her legs are fully locked out and her balance is solid. The kettlebell gets to about chest high and not much higher at all.

I called them double handed swings... but this is your standard kettlebell swing. If you're new to kettlebell swings... learn how to master the kettlebell swing .

If you want to get detailed training with drills and practice workouts, go learn about and purchase Strong . A huge part of the program is an in-depth Kettlebell Clinic.

Step 1

Start in a balanced start stop position. Your legs should be a little wider than shoulder width apart.

The kettlebell should about about one to two feet in-front of you with your hands on the handle... tilting the kettlebell back.

Your butt is pushed back... your spine is straight... and your shoulders are packed and not extending forward.

Step 2

Hike the kettlebell back between your legs.

During this move you need to keep good balance and not rock back.

Step 3

Fire from your hips while keeping good balance.

DO NOT pull the kettlebell with your hands. All of the power that swings the kettlebell comes from your hips.

As your nearly standing... squeeze your butt hard and the kettlebell will shoot forward. Keep your shoulder packed so they don't reach out.

Step 4

The kettlebell should only come about chest high.

As the kettlebell comes back down to your legs... don't start hinging too early. Let the kettlebell initiate the hip hinge.

Learn kettlebell swings. It's one of my go-to exercises and can fit into any workout... include running workouts.

Again, go learn about my program called Strong where I'll teach you all of the foundational kettlebell exercises.

Swing Stops

Kindal in the start stop position and getting ready to hike the kettlebell back.
Kindal at the top of the swing fully locked in before she returns back to the start stop position.

Swing stops are actually a drill to learn kettlebell swings.

It's also a great way to hit your butt hard and really work it. You'll feel the difference by the 5th rep.

Step 1

Just like the kettlebell swing... start in the start stop position.

Step 2

Hike the kettlebell back... just like the swing. Perform one full swing and bring the kettlebell back between your legs so you're in the loaded position.

Step 3

Rather than go into the next swing... return back to start stop position. Focus on keeping your balance the entire time.

This exercise teaches you how to get into the loaded position while keeping balance. And of course how to focus on your hips as the power center for the swing. Let me know how you do with this exercise.

Look at this image... notice how my hands and kettlebell are jammed into my crotch. This is the center of gravity... where all of your power comes from.

Kindal in the fully loaded position. Her hands are in her crotch and she is ready for her hips to produce all of the power.

Farmers Carry

Kindal standing tall and tight while holding the kettlebell on one side. Notice how even her body is, the kettlebell is not pulling her body out of good posture.

I love farmers carry... and I don't do them often enough.

When you do a farmers carry the goal is HEAVY. Going heavy will engage your entire body from your grip through your core to your legs.

Step 1

Stand next to your kettlebell with your feet just about touching.

You're going to hip hinge down to get your kettlebell. I find it easier to add a little extra flex to your legs.

Grab your kettlebell and hold on tight.

Step 2

Deadlift your kettlebell up so your standing tall.

Start your timer and squeeze the handle hard. Make sure you hold your shoulder joint in place... don't let the kettlebell pull your shoulder down.

Keep good posture the whole time. Don't lean... stand straight.

When the timer goes off... be careful putting the kettlebell down. Your not out of the woods until the kettlebell is on the ground.

Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut. Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut.

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Want Full Length Workouts Led By A Trainer?

5 minute workouts are great. Don't get me wrong... doing something is always better than doing nothing.

But if you want to:

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    Burn fat

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    Build lean feminine muscle

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    Tighten up your body

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    And feel great about yourself

You need full workouts and a progress based program. It's why women who workout with a trainer get results.

They get a professionally designed plan and accountability to boot!

That's why I want you to join my private small group training program called Fit Women's Weekly LIVE.

It's a private group where I:

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    Build a weekly workout schedule

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    I'll design all of your workouts

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    I'll show you how to do them correctly

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    I'll workout with you can push you hard

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    I'll coach you the entire time and make sure you get great results

No joke... you can actually talk to me LIVE and workout with me LIVE. Plus I record every workout for you.

You can have all of this as a member of Fit Women's Weekly LIVE. FWW LIVE is my online personal training group . The membership is limited so I'm able to give every member the personal attention they deserve.

It's not guaranteed that there will be spots available... so go check it out.

After you join FWW LIVE... get this workout done. It's the perfect finisher workout.

Also follow me on social media and join in the real trainer fitness fun!

Kindal in s deep side kettlebell side lunge working her way through an intense metabolic strength workout.

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