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5 Minute Ab Workout - Hold Tight

I can't wait for you to try this workout.

I have some really challenging and fun exercises... and I would not be surprised if you've never done some of these.

It should be fun.

Plus this workout is a little different from most of my 5 minute Fit Finishers... it has a timed exercise.

Let's get into this workout already!

5 Minute Ab Workout - Hold Tight Workout Breakdown

The design of this workout is very simple... but this is also why it's so effective.

Hold Exercise:

30 second lateral band hold

Breakup Exercises:

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    14 Swings

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    8 Donkey kicks

Start with the lateral hold exercise on one side.

Choose whichever of the breakup exercises you want to start with... and for the rest of the workout you'll just alternate back and forth.

So just to reiterate the flow of the workout:

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    Do a lateral hold

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    Do one breakup exercise

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    Lateral hold on the other side

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    Do the other breakup exercise

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    Lateral hold

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    Breakup exercise

Keep going with this alternating fashion.

Your goal is to get at least 3 "hold session" per side with the lateral hold.

You've probably never done a lateral hold before... I'll show you a modification because you might need it.

As always... if you have any questions, ask in the YouTube comments and I'll make sure you answer you back.

Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut. Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut.

have your

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and now you're...

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workout rut?

And lose 1 to 2 inches
and 5 pounds...
or you don't pay!
Break Me FREE!

Hold Tight Ab Workout Exercise Breakdown

Lateral Band Hold

Kindal is holding the band tight and her body is in an engaged position holding tight everywhere.

Okay... you'll need a larger exercise band to do this exercise. Unless you have access to a gym... you probably don't have a band.

After I explain the exercise... I'll show you a really cool modification you can do with nothing but a wall or door jam.

Step 1

Wrap your band about stomach height to it's anchor point. A door knob can work well. In the workout video... I'm using a rig.

Side step out so the band is pulled tight... tight enough so it's pulling you back to the anchor point.

Take a wider stance, about shoulder width apart... maybe a little wider.

Hold your core crazy tight (pull your core in tight) and hold the band in both hands in front of your body. Look at the pictures because it's hard to describe with words.

Make sure your feet are back so you form a right triangle between the anchor point... your hands... your feet.

The band is pulling your upper body... rotating you toward the anchor point.

You are fighting this pull and keeping your hands in front of you... stationary.

Fighting hard to not turn.

You are going to feel your abs and oblique light up.

This is an amazing core exercise. This should be part of your regular core work.

Modification: Lateral Wall Push

Here is the modification. It's not exactly the same exercise... but it's pretty close.

Step 1

Stand in a door jam or next to the corner of a wall.

With a similar setup... shoulder width stance or a little wider... put your arms out front and hold your hands together either...

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    As a first... hands holding each other

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    Or with your palms together

Brace your core really hard and pull your belly button back towards your spine.

Keeping your arms straight (not quite locked out) you are going to push into the wall as hard as you can... keeping your core really tight.

In this modification... you're not fighting the rotate (an anti-rotation), you're creating the rotate and the wall is stopping you.

Donkey Kicks

Kindal at the bottom of the donkey kicks preloading her shoulders to get ready to go up.
Kindal in the low to medium donkey kick. She it pushing into the ground and working to balance for a brief second.
Kindal going high with the donkey kick. This is advanced and you can see how hard she is pushing into her hands to hold balance.

This is a rough - technical - exercise.

I am going to help make it match your fitness level so read carefully.

In the video I went pretty high with my legs. You DO NOT have to go this high... in fact, I don't want you to do this.

Step 1

Start on your hands and knees. Live your knees off the ground... just like you were getting into a bear position.

Grip the ground with hands.

While here... jump your feet about 6 inches off the ground and land softly back on the ground.

Do this a few times to get the feel for attempting to hold your bodyweight with your hands.

Step 2

The goal is go jump your feet off the ground and momentarily hold your bodyweight with your arms.

This is a brutal shoulder exercise. And yes... it's advanced.

Here's the height I want you to get to based on your fitness level:

BEGINNER - Only jump your feet 6 inches off the ground.

INTERMEDIATE - Try to get your feet to waist height... like a brief half handstand.

ADVANCED - Go up to my height.

Make sure you come back down quickly and softly. The goal is NOT to hold a handstand.

Step 3

Land softly. You want to land into your bear/tucked position.

Because this is technically a jump... there can potentially be a high level of impact stress. I typically don't like jumping with my clients... but we have to experiment sometimes.

Donkey Kick Modification

I get it. This exercise is not entirely beginner friendly... and because you have to jump... it can even be dangerous if you're not use to jumping.

So your alternate exercise options are:

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    Double shoulder press

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    Pike pushups

I'm going to detail the double shoulder presses below. Get the full breakdown or pike pushups from my exercise database post.

Double Shoulder Presses

Kindal is in the rack position with the double kettlebells standing tall and engaged ready to press overhead.
Kindal pressing the kettlebells over her head. Her core is held tight and her body is straight.

Step 1

Get two dumbbells or kettlebells into rack position.

Stand tall... slightly twist your feet into the ground and hold your core in so it's engaged.

Step 2

Don't just press the weights up and over your head.

Rather... start by opening at your shoulder joint so the weight go out laterally first.

At the same time... push the weight up to the sky. It's like you're making a "J" curve to get the weights overhead.

At the top of the press the palms of your hands are facing forward.

Step 3

Bring the weights back down with control. Don't just let them fall.

By using control... you're taking advantage of the weights as you bring the down... you're emphasizing the eccentric movement .

The eccentric phase is where you build the most strength.

Kettlebell Swings

Kindal in a strong loaded position of the kettlebell swing ready to explode from the hips.
Kindal in the top of the swing and fully locked out with the kettlebell at chest level.

These are going to be normal... two handed... kettlebell swings.

Read my full post that breaks down the kettlebell swing ... but let's go over the high level form queues. If you have questions... [ask in the comments of the YouTube video](/youtube-video) where I can easily answer you.

Step 1

Get the kettlebell into a balance loaded position... a strong hip hinge position.

Make sure you stay balanced across your entire foot... not leaning too far back and not leaning too far forward.

Also make sure you have a slight bend in the knee which will engage your hamstrings rather than your back muscles.

Step 2

Fire from your hips and have the feeling like you're delaying the kettlebell from coming through your legs.

You should be nearly standing before the kettlebell comes out in front of you.

And remember it should only get to chest height (neck at the highest). Adjust your power accordingly.

This is a faster set of swings... so if you want to do shadow swings... go for it. Just make sure you keep your form on point.

Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut. Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut.

have your

results stopped?

and now you're...

stuck in a

workout rut?

And lose 1 to 2 inches
and 5 pounds...
or you don't pay!
Break Me FREE!

Do You Want Me To Design All Of Your Workouts?

I can't wait for you to try this 5 minute workout and see how FAST things fly by.

And if you think this 5 minutes is awesome...

You have to come try my programs, Fit Women's Weekly LIVE and Habit.

FWW LIVE is my private online personal training program where I personally...

  • Bullet point

    Design a brand new 30 and 60 minute workout every day

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    Design and lead you through a 30 minute coaching session every day

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    Provide personal coaching and training to every member

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    Plus so much more

This is a private group with limited membership.

So if you're looking for a very hands on training experience... checkout the pricing page and lock in your spot today.

If you want to experience FWW LIVE with zero risk... join my FREE 14 day trial and come workout with me today!

Habit is a different type of program .

I've designed and pre-recorded 30 day workout programs with one specific goal like:

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    Beginner kettlebells

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    Beginner strength

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    Advanced double kettlebells

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    Bodyweight strength cardio

Plus there are many more in the works.

Every workout is recorded... but not just exercise demonstrations... rather I workout with you...

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    I count reps out loud

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    I push and motivate you during the workout

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    I coach you on how to workout with me

It's almost the same as working out with me LIVE.

Go learn about this and you can even purchase some of the back catalog on my Vimeo page .


Go get Hold Tight DONE!

Let me know how this workout goes in the YouTube comments section .

And make sure you follow me on my social accounts where I'm helping women like you everyday get stronger, healthier, and more confident.

ready to end your workout rut?

Ignite 30 training plan template cover

primary goal

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

nutrition challenge

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

nutrition challenge

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

busy goal

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

nutrition challenge

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

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