Okay... I'll admit it...
Not everybody will be able to do this workout.
And it's going to be hard to do this workout with me... unless you don't mind blasting your phone or iPad in the gym...
Which should be awesome. I bet you'll be able to get other people to do the workout with you.
We can all do it as a group!
Okay enough dreaming of fitness kumbaya.
Let's get into this workout.
5 Minute TRX Workout - Suspended Balance Breakdown
There are two distinct circuits for this workout...
Circuit 1: TXR Show Down
12 Split squats
12 Hanging climbers (one leg count)
12 Hanging shoulder taps
Circuit 2: Upper Body Superset
8 push-ups (normal)
8 rows
For circuit 1 you're going to do 2 rounds where each round is a 2 minute AMRAP.
Then you'll finish off with circuit 2... a 1 minute blazing fast AMRAP.
Remember... AMRAP stands for "as many rounds as possible".
Track both circuits... but the focus of this workout is circuit 1.
This is a simple design so let's get into the exercises... things are about to get really fun!
Suspended Balance Exercise Breakdown
Obviously... you need a TRX or rings for this workout to work.
Sorry... I just wanted to design a workout for those who have a TRX. Personally, I don't use a TRX a lot. I prefer rings... they are a little more versatile.
TRX Split Squats

This is tough and you need good balance. Pay attention and if you struggle or you're a little nervous... do normal split squats.
Step 1
Carefully get one of your feet in the TRX loop or ring. Keep good balance on your other foot.
Try and jump/hop out a couple steps so your back foot is being pulled by the TRX... you'll feel this when it happens.
Step 2
Squat down so the knee of your back leg grazes the ground. Go down with control... this should happen automatically as you'll be working hard to keep your balance.
When you hit the ground just come back up and keep repeating.
What makes the TRX split squat so effective is the balance aspect.
When you're struggling to keep your balance... all of the large and small muscles throughout your legs are turned on.
This will make it harder to use momentum when doing reps. That's a good thing!
TRX Hanging Mt. Climbers

Okay... next warning. These can be tough on your wrists... just pay attention.
Step 1
You're going to get in the top of a pushup plank with only one foot in the TRX loop.
Lock your legs out and keep your shoulders over... or... a little past your hands.
The leg not in a TRX loop is going to be held next to the TRX leg as if it were in a TRX... fully engaged.
Step 2
You are going to drive one leg in towards your chest at a time.
You're only going to count when the TRX leg come into your body. This is the "hard" leg because you're pulling against the TRX.
Really pull the TRX leg in hard. You'll notice how your entire body engages when you pull this leg in.
The non-TRX leg is much easier but it helps you sets you up for the TRX leg. You - definitely - can use some momentum to help.
Hanging Shoulder Taps

Same setup as the Mt. Climbers. One leg in the TRX strap and one out being held by you.
Pay attention to your wrists on this exercise as well. Going from the mt. climbers to the shoulder taps is tough if your forearm and wrist strength is lacking.
Step 1
Get in the top of a pushup plank with one leg in the TRX strap and the other held by your own power next to the other leg.
Make sure your hands are directly underneath your shoulders... if not a little closer to your hips.
Step 2
Take one of your hands and bring it up fast and tap the opposite shoulder.
Then go back down and repeat with the other arm. You want to keep going back and forth as fast as possible.
This is a fast exercise
Make sure you engage your entire body so you minimize the rocking back and forth. It doesn't matter how hard you try... you're to rock back and forth... you're goal is to minimize it as much as possible.
TRX Pushups

After you complete the first circuit... it's time for a more conventional superset or pushups and TRX rows.
In the workout I did TRX pushups... but you can do regular pushups if you want.
I did TRX pushups to keep the theme going... but I'm not a huge fan of doing pushups on a TRX. For some reason, it doesn't feel right.
I love pushups on rings though.
Step 1
Get in the top of a pushup position.
Remember, if you're newer to pushups of your can't do full out floor pushups ... read my exercise database posts about knee pushups and elevated box pushups.
Make sure in this setup position... your body is engaged and your hands are slightly twisted into the ground so your shoulders are turned on.
On the TRX... the set up is the same. Grab the TRX handles with your hands. Your feet are together on the floor.
Rather than twist your hands into the ground... you'll squeeze the handles of the TRX.
Step 2
Squeeze the handles pretty hard because you'll need your arms turned on.
Your arms will automatically be pulled in close to your body... this is one thing I LOVE about TRX and ring pushups.
(This does make TRX and ring pushups really good for learning to keep your elbows close to your body.)
Go down and come back up squeezing your chest at the top.
One thing I HATE about TRX and ring pushups is the straps will rub against your arms. Just keep this in mind.
TRX Rows

Step 1
Flip over from the pushups so you're hanging back. Your feet are on the ground... and your arms are fully extended.
Slightly squeeze your legs and hold your core tight so your body stays straight for the entire rep.
Step 2
With your body tight and straight... pull so your hands come right next to your chest if not slightly below your chest level.
Pull your shoulder blades together and really squeeze them.
Step 3
Lower back down to full extension. Remember, this is the negative part of the rep ... a very important part. Don't just fall back down.
When you get to the bottom don't "bounce" at the bottom.
Hold a quarter second pause before you pull back up. You want to get rid of the momentum.
I Want You To Come Workout With Me!
If you're able to do this workout...
(I know most people don't have access to a TRX system.)
Let me know how it goes. Leave a comment on the YouTube video .
If you love creative workouts like this... I'm telling you... you've seen nothing yet.
I have two fitness programs. I know one of them is perfect for you.
Fit Women's Weekly LIVE is my private... small group... strength training program .
This is a really cool program because I LIVE stream 3 workouts every day.
One 60 minute full workout
One 30 minute express workout
One 30 minute coaching and training session
I coach and train my members just as if they hired me on a one-on-one basis.
The catch is... membership is extremely limited .
If you're a more... do it yourself... style of exerciser...
Go learn about Habit . This is my growing collection of 30 day workout programs .
They're all strength training basis, but I build each program for a specific goal:
Beginner strength training
Dumbbell training
Beginner kettlebell training
And so much more. Go take a look at my current 30 day strength programs.
Now... go get Suspended Balance DONE! Let me know how it goes in the comments .
Share your experience.