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Burpee Burner Circuit

You know it...

Another great Fit Finisher circuit with only two exercises.

And what makes this one unique is... you don't need any equipment.

You only need enough room to circle your body on the ground.

I'll show you want I mean...

Let's get into this strength circuit

Burpee Burner Circuit Breakdown

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    Shoulders ✅

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    Core ✅

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    Chest ✅

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    Core ✅

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    Legs ✅

Are you ready for this burner?

Here's the circuit:

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    Rainbow Pushups

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Here's how the circuit works:

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    You've got 60 seconds or work (or exercise).

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    20 seconds of rest

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    2 full rounds

Get as many reps as you possibly can of each exercise.

You will need some room for this workout.. a little more than two of your body length long.

You'll see when we break these exercise down.

So let's break these exercises down!

Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut. Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut.

have your

results stopped?

and now you're...

stuck in a

workout rut?

And lose 1 to 2 inches
and 5 pounds...
or you don't pay!
Break Me FREE!

Burpee Burner Exercise Breakdown

Rainbow Pushups

Kindal in the top of s pushup with her body engaged and ready to go down into a strong pushup.
Kindal at the bottom of the pushup with her body straight and her elbows close to her body for a strong pushing action.
Kindal comes out of the pushup and starts walking laterally but pivoting around her feet.
Kindal walking taking large steps with her arms and then brining them together.
Kindal walking taking large steps with her arms and then brining them together.
Kindal walking taking large steps with her arms and then brining them together.
Kindal makes it 180 degrees all the way around is ready for the next pushup and then she will walk back in the opposite direction.

This is a very cool version of pushups.

You can't use elevated pushups with this version.

You can use knee pushups which is great but you'll still need a strong plank as you'll see.

Step 1

Get in the top of a pushup plank... ready to knock out your first pushup.

Remember... keep your body tight... core pulled in... legs locked. Your hands are just beyond shoulder width.

Step 2

Knock out a great pushup going all the way down and back up.

Read my post on floor pushups to help dial in the pushup queues.

And this is where things get interesting.

Step 3

Once you come back up from the pushup...

Keep your feet planted and start walking your hands to whichever side you have more room.

You're going to walk all the way around... pivoting around your feet... until your facing the other direction.

Your body is making a full rainbow!

One you get to that side... knock our your pushup and then keep repeating for the full 60 seconds.

When you walk back... walk back in the opposite direction so you're forcing your arms to walk in each direction.


Kindal loads up her jumping leg squatting down to about 45 degrees and working on engaging her leg for balance and power.
Kindal explodes from her load position... contracting her muscles hard.
Kindal is making the hop over laterally getting ready to land into the next single leg squat position.
Kindal is making the hop over laterally getting ready to land into the next single leg squat position.
Kindal lands softly into her other leg with control and pre-engaging her muscles for a balanced landing.
Kindal finds her balance in the landing before she get's ready to hop back to the other side as she repeats back and forth.

Okay... you will have to hop to do this exercise.

If you've been a reader of FWW for awhile... you know I'm not a huge fan of jumping . It's too dangerous for most women and it's not worth the effort.

Step 1

Start balancing on one leg with a slight bend.

Your other leg is going to go behind you and off to the side... very similar to a curtsey lunge.

You can have your toe on the ground for a little balance check and support.

Step 2

Now you're going to take a small hop - laterally - and land on your other leg...

Letting the leg you hopped from (gracefully) move behind you and back. Take a look at the pictures... it will make this very clear.

Catch your balance and keep hopping back and forth making sure you get that leg bent to about a 45 degree angle.

form tip

Skiers take some serious balance and knee joint strength.

So a couple things...

One... you don't have to hop far. A little hop with just the smallest lateral movement is okay. You have to know your body.

Remember, you can always start small and build your distance to something that's right for you.

Two... read my intensity tip directly belong this.

intensity tip

Do you want to strength your joints?

Mobility will help you crease joint range of motion... but balance training will help you increase joint strength and control.

Balancing on one leg for 60 seconds (if you can) for a length of time is a great way to improve your joint strength.

Dan loves the challenge of trying to do skiers and only balancing on the hopping foot... never letting the other foot hit the ground.

It's HARD!


Kindal get's her hands on the ground and in this variation of the burpee she is already starting her hop back into a plank position.
Kindal is hopping back into plank position and already getting her upper body ready for the pushup.
Kindal is in the top of a pushup plank, but already she's falling in to her pushup in one smooth motion.
Kindal is at the bottom of the pushup and bracing her body hard so she can explode up and jump her feet back into with speed.
Kindal pushups but at the same time she's already prepping for her jump back in which you can see by her knees staying low and off the ground.
Kindal completes the pushup and is already midair with her feet to jump back into the tuck position.
Kindal is not in the tuck position and she is ready to explode up and out to the fully hop in the burpee.
Kindal jumps out and up to complete the rep. Keep in mind you don't have to jump high you can hop or just get your tippy toes to complete the rep.

It's burpee time and you have to push it... as hard... and as fast as you can go!

Step 1

Get down into your tuck position with your hands on the ground.

Notice in this version of the burpee... I'm already hopping back into the top of plank position. You can see this because my feet already leaving the ground.

Step 2

Jump back and if you can immediately go into your pushup.

You can see that I'm already going down into my pushup even though I'm not quite at the top of the pushup plank.

This is all one smooth motion that makes the burpee a lot more dynamic.

Step 3

Complete the pushup and immediately start to jump your feet back into a tuck position.

You can see in the image where my knees are low almost like I'm breaking out of my pushup... but what's really happening here is as I'm completing the pushup I'm also jumping into my tuck position.

This really comes down to faster transitions from one part of the exercise to the next.

Step 4

Get back into the tuck position.

Explode form there to jump out of the burpee rep. And REMEMBER...

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    You don't have to jump...

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    You can hop...

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    You can also just get your tippy toes...

Know your body and what is right for you. The key will be immediately falling back into your next burpee rep. We are going for full out speed here!

Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut. Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut.

have your

results stopped?

and now you're...

stuck in a

workout rut?

And lose 1 to 2 inches
and 5 pounds...
or you don't pay!
Break Me FREE!

Are You Ready To Break Free From Your Workout Rut?

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What else could you want from a workout?

Nothing... and what if you had workouts like this to choose from daily and weekly?

This is exactly what my members get when they join one of my premium programs.

I have two in particular you would love.

First is my private... small group... online personal training program called Fit Women's Weekly LIVE.

Everyday my private members get:

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    2 custom designed strength workouts

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    1 custom coaching session

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    Unrestricted access to me and Dan in our private Facebook Group

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    LIVE weekly motivation talks

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    Plus so much more

The downside is... membership is very limited. Only 300 women can be active members at any one time.

So go checkout the FWW LIVE pricing page and if there are spaces available... join today!

I have another strength program called Habit. This is a collection of 30 day strength programs ... where each program focuses on a type of training or a body part.

For example, my current back catalog has programs that focus on:

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    Beginner kettlebell training

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    Dumbbell legs

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    Dumbbell body part splits

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    Beginner strength training

And a lot more. You can purchase these programs separately ... so give it them a shot and see how my style of program design is what you've been missing to get better results.

Now... go get Burpee Burner DONE!

Then follow me on my social accounts and let me know how it went for you. I really want to hear about it in the YouTube comments .

Kindal in s deep side kettlebell side lunge working her way through an intense metabolic strength workout.

feeling flabby? not getting results? & you're... stuck in a workout rut?

And lose 1 to 2 inches and 5 pounds... or you don't pay!