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Climber - Double - Strength Workout

Okay... this one went a little long.

But this series of exercises is one hardcore circuit.

You can do this circuit with either a dumbbells or kettlebells... or you can mix and match as necessary.

I used kettlebells.

Let's get into this circuit... get our muscles pumped up... and get sweaty!

Climber Circuit Breakdown

Here are the exercises:

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    Chest Press

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    Squat Thruster

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    Prisoner Squats

Here's the rep schedule:


We're going to break up this rep schedule into 3 parts:

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    First 2 to 4 reps

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    The middle 8 reps

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    Last 4 to 2 reps

You're going to go through the entire circuit for each number of reps in the schedule.

But how we do each rep "section" will be a little different.

First 2 and 4 Reps

The first section of 2 to 4 reps will ALWAYS be completed on your weak side.

Middle 8 Reps

The middle 8 reps will be done double... with two weights.

Remember, you can use two weights that are a little different. They don't have to match perfectly. Try to always put the heavier weight in your weak side.

If you don't have two weights... you can use one weight and just use both hands on the weight. So try and go heavier if you can.

Last 4 to 2 Reps

The last section of the 4 and 2 reps will ALWAYS be completed on your strong side.

Just to recap the idea...

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    You go up the rep schedule on your weak side

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    At the peak you do double weights

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    You come back down on your strong side

The idea is to go heavy and see how much weight you can use... while still remaining in control.

Let's break these exercises down so you can get strong and sweaty with me!

Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut. Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut.

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Climber Exercise Breakdown

Floor Chest Press

Kindal at the bottom of the floor press with her elbow close to her body and she's engaged ready to press the weight up.
Kindal pressing her weight all the way up and fully extending through her shoulder while still maintaining engagement through her entire body.

Go checkout my in-depth exercise database video and article on the chest press or floor press .

But we'll quickly run through the fast overview.

Step 1

Lay on your back with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor. Use a comfortable angle... your heels are not too far away from your butt and they're not too close.

Get the weight up so you can start with the weight pressed over your chest.

Pull your core in tight to resist the natural twisting your body will want to do as you start pressing.

Finally... squeeze the handle just a little so your arm is engaged and ready to move.

Step 2

Lower the weight with control... keeping your core tight.

Barely let your elbow hit the ground as you immediately press the weight back up over your chest.

Make sure when you press the weight up... fully extend through your shoulder and straighten your arm.

Then just repeat with speed and control. It's a good balance.

Double Chest Press

The double chest press is identical... only with two weights instead of one.

In one way it's easier...

Because you're holding two weights... you're in balance and you won't find your body wanting to twist.

In one way it's harder...

You're going to go heavier and this will stress your system a little more. Plus getting two weights up

If you have any questions... ask me in the YouTube comments .

Bent Over Rows

Kindal at the bottom of bent over rows with an engaged core and ready to pull the weight all the way up.
Kindal at the top of bent over rows having pulled the weight as high as she can get it towards her chest and pulling her core in for support.

Step 1

We'll start with your weak arm. Get in the habit of starting on your weak side 😉

Take a wide stance. Bend your strong leg so it's close to 90 degrees.

Keep your spine straight and hinge at your waist and lean into your thigh with your strong arm. The images will really help explain this setup.

Finally... your other arm will go straight down and grab the handle of your kettlebell. This is your weak arm in this case.

Step 2

Brace your core. This will help keep your spine straight.

Pull up on your weight and pull it straight up to your chest.

At the same time... pressing into your thigh with your other arm. This will help give you some leverage for a stronger pull on the weight.

Again... pull the weight up all the way to your chest. You can let your torso slightly twist at the top.

Step 3

You're going to lower your weight and just pull... or row... it back up.

However, I wanted to stress... don't let your weight fall - freely - to the ground. You want to move fast but you don't want to be sloppy.

Double Bent Over Rows

Okay these are a little different.

Step 1

Put your two weights next to each other and step over them so the weights are between your feet.

Hinge at your waist with a decent (not full) knee bend.

Your spine will be close to parallel to the floor.

Make sure you are balanced over your feet with your hips pushed back.

Step 2

Focus on both really good balance over your feet and your core pulled in tight...

You're going to use a little momentum and pull with both arms to get both weights up to your chest.

It's okay if you use some momentum when getting the weights up. Because you don't have anything to lean into... you'll be force to use momentum.

Step 3

The weights will come down faster... but do you're best to not just let them come flying down.

I actually prefer if you get the weights all the way to the ground rather than stopping short.

Restarting with the weights on the ground promotes better posture through the movement.

Squat Thruster

Kindal in the racked position and an engaged body ready to squat down with control and built up power.
Kindal in a deep squat with full body engagement and control ready to explode from the squat and get the weight over her head.
Kindal explodes from the squat and presses the weight all the way over her head fully extending through her shoulder and ready to bring the weight down directly into the next squat.

This is also called a squat to press.

It's a really tough... total body... exercise. And you'll really feel it when doing doubles!

Step 1

Get your weight in rack with good feet position for a squat.

If you're a little newer to all of this... start with your feet shoulder width apart.

Brace your core and stay tall...

And as you know from me and Dan... twist your feet into the ground so you have tension through your legs.

Step 2

Go down into a strong squat.

Make sure you maintain:

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    Your feet twisting into the ground

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    Your core pulled in engaged (no crunched)

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    A squeeze on the kettlebell handle

If you're not sure of your mobility... stop at just above or at parallel to the ground for your squat depth.

If you know you have good control and mobility... you can go lower like I do in the video.

Step 3

Fire up from the bottom of your squat.

You want to build up momentum to help get the weight up and over your head.

To do this without your form breaking down... hold your core tight and squeeze the weights handles.

This burst of power is purely anaerobic so holding your breath allows you to brace up hard.

Step 4

As you're coming out of your squat... use the upward momentum to get the weight straight up over your head.

Make sure you press it up and all the way over your head... really extend through your shoulders.

When you come back down... bring the kettlebell to rack and if you want you can start your squat at the same time.

This does require more control and muscle bracing. So if you don't feel confident or in control...

First bring it to rack and then go down into your squat.

Double Squat To Press

Double squat to press is identical as you would expect.

The only thing you need to be aware of is bracing.

Because you're carrying two weights... you'll need to brace harder at the bottom of the squat and maintain that control through the press.

Start light BUT do not be afraid to challenge yourself... and remember you can use two different weights if you need 😉.

Prisoner Squats

Kindal in racked position with an engaged body ready to step back to her knee.
Kindal steps back to one knee and focuses on keeping her torso tall and core engaged for good posture.
Kindal steps her other leg back and know she's on both knees but she still focuses on keeping her posture good with an engaged core.
Kindal steps her opposite leg forward and pay close attention to her back toes remain tucked so she can use them to push with.
Kindal pushes off her back foot and pushes into her front foot to drive all the way back up to standing while keeping her torso tall.

I have an in-depth breakdown of the prisoner squat in our exercise data. Read that post if you want to get into the nitty gritty.

Make sure you have a yoga mat that is pretty soft.

I want to make sure you protect your knees. If you do these on a hard floor... it's very easy to hurt your knees... use a mat!

Step 1

Get your weight in rack position or hold it with two hands.

As always... keep your core tight (engaged) so you're ready to accept the weight as you step back.

Let's say you're stepping back with your left left first.

Step back and take a knee on your left leg. Make sure your right knee is being pushed out so it's inline with the outside of your right foot.

Step 2

Step your other leg back so you're now on both knees.

Make sure you're still holding your core in and now is the time to take a breath and hold because you have to come back up.

Step 3

Step your right leg out so you're back to kneeling.

Slightly lean over your bent leg to engage it. Ensure your knee is slightly to the outside of your foot.

Make sure your back foot has it's toes tucked under. This is vital to help you get up.

Step 4

Press into your back toes...

Press into your front foot.

Keep your free hand off your thigh...

And finally make sure you're holding your core in with your shoulders back.

Stand up to both feet and then step right back again with your opposite foot.

Double Prisoner Squat

The double prisoner squat is exactly the same form.

And just like the squat thruster... work on staying braced harder.

Because you're carrying more weight... it's going to be more challenging on your system but if you stay focused you can do it.

Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut. Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut.

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Ready For Full Length Workouts That Torch Fat And Build Muscle?

These Fit Finisher workouts are only a taste of my workout style.

You can tell it's very different from what you may be used to.

This is the style I've been designing with for over 14 years and it's battle tested with the thousands of clients - real women - I've coached.

I want you to join me and finally use a fitness program that will produce results.

A program that is not built on teaching you how to workout consistently.

My premium program is called Fit Women's Weekly LIVE.

This is a small group strength training program for women where I coach women LIVE everyday.

  • Bullet point

    I design two custom strength workouts everyday

  • Bullet point

    I design one coaching session to help my members workout smarter

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    I hold weekly motivation sessions to keep my members engaged with their goals

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    Plus members have full access to me when they need customized help

This is the ultimate strength training program.

But only 300 women are allowed to be active members at any given time.

So if you're interested in getting results and feeling amazing in your body... go learn about it and join today .

BUT make sure you give Climber a real go right now.

Then tell me about it in the YouTube Comments because I want to hear how you did.

Go follow my social accounts where I am sharing tips... tricks... drills... and fitness lifestyle hacks everyday to help you get strong.

Kindal in s deep side kettlebell side lunge working her way through an intense metabolic strength workout.

feeling flabby? not getting results? & you're... stuck in a workout rut?

And lose 1 to 2 inches and 5 pounds... or you don't pay!