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Dairy Free Brownies - Zero Gluten - Dripping In Fudge

Are you ready for a bold claim?

Something to get those salivary glands wet and dripping...

These dairy free brownies are better than traditional sugar loaded... flour based... body fat packing... brownies.

Don't believe me... just wait!

They're the perfect combination of gooey and moist. And healthy! The best part is... they're dairy and gluten free. So no upset tummies or gassy bloat.

But I have to prepare you...

These brownies are CHOCOLATE to the MAX!!

They're dense and very rich. So I hope you can handle this.

I use 85% dark chocolate but if that's a little too intense, opt for 70% or 75%.

Let's get baking!

Daily free and gluten free brownies dripping in fudge
Daily free and gluten free brownies dripping in fudge
Daily free and gluten free brownies dripping in fudge
Daily free and gluten free brownies dripping in fudge

Macros & Meal Planning Made Easy!

Plan Smart Eat Real free macro and meal planning cheatsheet
  • Get the most accurate macro numbers to start with

  • Use My Fitness Plan? Don't use this feature

  • 5 healthy... delectible... dessert recipes

  • Plus a custom one week meal plan

Download for FREE!

Dairy Free Brownies Ingredients:

Chocolate is the only ingredient that has dairy in it. But go dark enough or just don't add the additional chocolate chunks and you're good to go!

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    1 large half avocado... ripe (soft)

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    1 cup cashews

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    2 eggs

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    1/3 cup cocoa powder (no sugar)

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    3.5 oz 85% chocolate... chopped (not dairy depending on what you use)

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    1/3 cup + 1 tbsp honey

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    1 tsp vanilla

Optional Toppings:

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    Chocolate shavings

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    Flaky (Celtic) sea salt (one of my favorites)

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    Sprinkles for a color pop

Dairy Free Brownies Directions:

Step 1

Prep your oven and get it up to 325 degrees.

While you're waiting, line a 9X9 baking pan with parchment.

Step 2

Break out your blender or food processor. Add all of those ingredients above in and blend away until the batter is smooth and chunk free.

We'll add in optional chunks in a second.

Step 3

Pour the batter into the 9x9 baking pan.

If you want to commit chocolate suicide... break apart some of the chocolate bar into chunks and drop them into the batter.

But don't over do it!

Step 4

Toss the pan into the now 325 degree oven and set the timer for 35 to 40 minutes.

Start with 35 minutes... if you need to go longer... 40... but watch closely.

Once they're done... remove quickly and add your topping of choice. You want it ti sink into the batter a little bit.

Step 5

Let the brownies cool for about 30 minutes... enjoy one and toss the the rest in the refrigerator or freezer.

I actually love frozen brownies. Plus it makes it easier to pack for a lunch or midday snack.

Dairy Free Brownies Nutrition Information

This recipes makes 12 bars:

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    Calories - 140

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    Protein - 3g

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    Fat - 8g

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    Carbs - 14g

Macros & Meal Planning Made Easy!

Plan Smart Eat Real free macro and meal planning cheatsheet
  • Get the most accurate macro numbers to start with

  • Use My Fitness Plan? Don't use this feature

  • 5 healthy... delectible... dessert recipes

  • Plus a custom one week meal plan

Download for FREE!

Ready To Take Control Of Temptation And Torch Body Fat?

One of the biggest reasons women flip flop with meal planning and eating healthy in general...

It's temptation!

You can't ignore it and go cold turkey.

We all need to enjoy in some rewards and indulgences... and I want to show you the healthy version so when you do indulge... you don't completely sabotage your results.


By eating real food.

I have a nutrition program called Plan Smart Eat Real.

It's an in-depth 8 week - done for you - meal planning coaching program and application.

Every week you'll get:

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    A custom 12 week (weekly) meal plan

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    Shopping lists for each week

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    Special coaching sessions every week that build on each other

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    Mini daily challenges to help you build good habits and accelerate results

Plus... you get access to a private group where I do weekly coaching and I'm always there to make sure you're questions are answered.

Go learn about this program and buy it !

You can also sign up for my FREE Macro and Meal Planning Cheatsheet .

After your initial purchase... you can buy additional meal planning menus.

Make sure you go cook this recipe and give me some feedback.

Follow me on my social accounts and you can always ask questions there.

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