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Deficit Pushup Workout


Simple and tough as nails.

This little Fit Finisher workout will have you grunting... grimacing... and by the end smiling in pure happiness and exhaustion.

You know the FWW way... being a total badass!

So let's get into it.

You will need a kettlebell because we'll be doing swings although I'll give you an option if you don't have kettlebells.

You'll also need a pair or dumbbells or something to elevate your hands an inch or so. I also give you some mods for this exercise too... you'll see!

Deficit Pushup Workout Breakdown

Okay... this workout is designed to NOT be "finishable".

This is a race style workout where you're fighting to get as far as possible in the 5 minute time limit.

big idea

Do two 5 minute rounds of the workout with a 4 minute rest between each.

That's a total workout time of 14 minutes and see if you can get into the single digits. I bet you'll be able to.

The Circuit

  • Bullet point

    Deficit pushups

  • Bullet point

    Kettlebell swings (two handed)

The Rep Schedule

20 > 18 > 16 > 14 > ... 4 > 2

You'll do 20 reps of each... then 18... 16... and get as far as you can in the 5 minute time period.

Go with as little rest as possible... but listen to your body. Do the workout with me and see if you can stick with my pace!

This will be a fast exercise breakdown... let's get into it.

Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut. Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut.

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Deficit Pushup Exercise Breakdown

Deficit Pushups

Kindal at the top of the deficit pushup with her hands on the dumbbells which slightly elevate her hands. Her body is engaged and ready to go down.
Kindal at the bottom of the deficit pushup. Her chest is all the way to the ground and her legs are locked out and even her core is pulled up off the ground. Elbows are tucked in close to her body.
You can see that Kindal's chest is below her hand level and this is what makes the deficit pushup and real deficit so you can get more strength from it.
You can see here Kindal's legs and core are locked out and off the ground. Only her chest is touching the ground.

This is an advanced pushup.

If you're interested... learn 10 more advanced pushup variations .

If you can't do floor pushups yet... just do elevated pushups off a box and as a last resort knee pushups .

Step 1

Get into a good pushup position.

Put your hands on the dumbbell handles. This will raise your hands about one to two inches off the ground.

Squeeze the handles.

Keep your shoulders pulled over your hands if not a little past them (ideally past them).

Lock your legs slightly so they are engaged... and pull your core in towards your spine.

Step 2

Go down into your pushup keeping your body engaged.

As you get lower... begin to squeeze the handles of your dumbbells a little harder.

Get your chest all the way to the ground.

This means your chest will be lower than the level of your hands... at a deficit.

This is where the name Deficit Pushups come from.

Make sure your legs are tight so both your hips and legs are off the ground... only the chest hits.

Step 3

Breath out as you push all the way back up.

As you get tired... your form will start to break down. This is normal.

Grab some rest and reset or you can move to elevated pushups to finish off the set.

intensity tip

One thing most women (and trainers for that fact) don't realize is keeping better form will produce better results than pushing through bad form.

So when you feel your form completely falling apart for the second or third time...

Move to elevated pushups.

You'll still get an insane burn and you'll be reinforcing good form and muscle development... over bad habits.

Let me know how these go... they are tough.

Kettlebell Swings

Kindal is in the loaded position of the kettlebell swing. She has good balance over her feet and her hips are pushed back and fully loaded.
Kindal is nearly standing up as the kettlebell finally comes out in-front of her. She is firing hard from her hips to make the kettlebell go focused on keeping her feet planted the entire time.
Kindal at the top of the swing with the kettlebell at about chest to neck level. Her feet are planted in the ground and her legs are fully locked out... squeezing her butt.

We are going to hit the high points of the swing but make sure you checkout my in-depth breakdown of the kettlebell swing .

Step 1

Get the kettlebell into the hiked power position.

The kettlebell is between your legs... extremely close to your pelvis.

Stay balanced over your feet with your arches activated and your weight towards the outside of your feet.

Your spine is straight and your hips are pushed back.

The pictures will help so you can see this position.

Step 2

Fire from your hips first.

You can think of it like your standing up really quickly. But the idea is to thrust your hips and let your hips push the kettlebell.

As you're about to stand fully up you're arms will get pushed out with speed.

You need to keep really good balance over your feet so the kettlebell does not pull you forward.

At the top your legs are fully locked out... and the kettlebell is about chest to neck high.

Step 3

Let the kettlebell fall back down and just as it's about to hit your hips... start to hinge.

You will continue hinging until you get back to the loaded position.

If you loved this, try these other 5 minute workouts!

Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut. Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut.

have your

results stopped?

and now you're...

stuck in a

workout rut?

And lose 1 to 2 inches
and 5 pounds...
or you don't pay!
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Go See How Far You Can Get!

I want to know how far you were able to get during this workout?

I also want to know if you worked with me in the YouTube video... have you tried this yet?

If you did... shoot me a DM on my Insta account or even better leave a comment on my YouTube Channel .

And remember I have a lot of Fit Finishers you can use to start working out more consistently.

Go checkout my 5 minute workout training plan .

One last thing... click below and follow me on the socials.

If you're into strength training and you want to unleash your inner badass... you'll love being part of the Fit Women's Weekly fam!

ready to end your workout rut?

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primary goal

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

nutrition challenge

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

nutrition challenge

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

busy goal

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

nutrition challenge

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

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