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Healthy Apple Bacon Waffle Sandwiches

Who doesn't love waffles?

Have you every heard the saying... "waffles are just pancakes with abs" 🤣

It's true!

Waffles have a CRUNCH (get is?? hahaha) to them that makes them more satisfying and delicious than pancakes.

Waffles can be sweet... drizzled with syrup, butter and fruit.


Savory and topped with fried chicken (my Southern girl style) or used as a vehicle to create a delicious, on the go, balanced breakfast.

Today... we're going to whip up a "healthier" waffle breakfast sandwich.

The Apple Bacon Turkey Waffle Sandwich Recipe

This waffle sandwich is perfect for:

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    A relaxing Sunday morning...

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    Fueling your busy work day...

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    Or adding energy to a morning workout...

This recipe is easy enough you can whip up sandwiches for the entire family and be the favorite.

Go for it!

Healthy Waffle Sandwich Ingredients

Healthy apple bacon turkey waffle sandwich
Healthy apple bacon turkey waffle sandwich
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    1/2 cup of oats

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    1/4 cup of AP??? Flour

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    1/2 tablespoon of baking powder

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    1/4 cup of cottage cheese

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    2 eggs (keep the yolks if you can)

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    Pinch of salt (you can always add more later)

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    1/4 cup of water

This amount of ingredients will make about 5 to 6 waffles.

Apple Bacon Turkey Sandwich Ingredients

Healthy apple bacon turkey waffle sandwich
Healthy apple bacon turkey waffle sandwich

This is per sandwich!

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    1/2 apple spliced into 1/4 - inch slices

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    1 provolone cheese slice (or your favorite cheese)

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    2 slices of bacon

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    2 oz deli turkey breast

Dan and I don't each sandwich meats very often. So when I do purchase it, I will spend the little extra to get Boars Head.

Boars Head tends to have less preservatives and better quality meat. (At least that's what they claim!)

If you have other recommendations... please share them with me!

Healthy Waffle Sandwich Directions

Step 1

In a food processor or blender, lightly pulse the oats.

If using quick oats you can skip this step, but if using old fashioned oats... pulse down to a grainy flour.

Step 2

In a mixing bowl, combine all the ingredients and set aside.

Start heating up your waffle iron. I use the type... it's small and perfect for little cooking projects like this.

Step 3

Once your waffle iron is hot... cover with cooking spray (not necessary but it helps).

Pour in 1/3 cup of batter into the center of the waffle maker and close the lid.

Let it cook 1-3 minutes (you be the judge for your specific type of waffle iron) until slightly crispy on the outside and golden.

Get making waffles with all of your batter!

Step 4

Heat a skillet to medium heat and start cooking your bacon. It always takes a little longer for the bacon to cook. You can start this earlier if you want.

Once the bacon is getting done, cook your apple slices for about 2-3 minutes per side.

Step 5

Make your sandwich!

Load your waffle with turkey, apples, cheese and bacon and top it off with another waffle.

Snap a picture and post it up on your social account. Make sure you tag me or @ message me so I can see it.

This is the waffle maker kindal uses when she needs waffles.
This is the waffle maker Kindal uses when she needs to make healthy waffles.

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Plan Smart Eat Real free macro and meal planning cheatsheet
  • Get the most accurate macro numbers to start with

  • Use My Fitness Plan? Don't use this feature

  • 5 healthy... delectible... dessert recipes

  • Plus a custom one week meal plan

Download for FREE!

Waffle Nutrition Information

One waffle has the following:

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    Calories: 155

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    Protein: 7g

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    Fat: 4g

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    Carbohydrates: 24g

Waffle Sandwich Nutrition

The entire sandwich has the following:

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    Calories: 461

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    Protein: 32g

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    Fat: 14g

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    Carbohydrates: 54g

As you can see... one sandwich is a full meal.

I think these are great in the morning if you're a breakfast eater. Because of the carb content... these can also be amazing for a pre-worker meal.

If you use them for pre-workout... try to eat at least 30 minute before your actual workout.

Macro Tips

Need some suggestions to make these sandwiches work for you?

If you need to decrease the carbs, you can take out the flour and replace it with 3 egg whites. It will change the consistency a little but will still be great.

To decrease fat, opt for turkey bacon.

Macros & Meal Planning Made Easy!

Plan Smart Eat Real free macro and meal planning cheatsheet
  • Get the most accurate macro numbers to start with

  • Use My Fitness Plan? Don't use this feature

  • 5 healthy... delectible... dessert recipes

  • Plus a custom one week meal plan

Download for FREE!

Want To Learn Why Having Done-For-You Recipes Is So Important?

Do you know what holds most women back from successfully meal planning?

Even eating healthy over all?

It's taking the time to plan and map out recipes.

Sure there are recipes all over the Internet, but which ones are...

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    Completely made up and not even real?

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    Practical and easy to prepare?

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    Not healthy?

It's like trying to choose a movie or show on Netflix... you spend nearly an hour trying to make a decision.

Imagine having to choose recipes for an entire week!

It's no wonder women can never sustain healthy meal planning.

Now imagine this instead...

All of your meals are planned for you.

You only get 12 recipes per week. So there very little decision making you have to make.

How much easier would it be to stick to a plan?

A lot easier!

That's what I created my program called Plan Smart Eat Real .

It's an 8 week coaching program and recipe pack that gives you weekly meal plans with only 12 recipes per week.

Plus I'm there to coach and help you when you need to make changes.

To get a taste of how I can help you and get a FREE weeks meal plan... download my Macro and Meal Planning Cheatsheet .

I'll show you how to use macros correctly so they don't overwhelm or run your life.

Plus you'll get a weeks meal plan so you can see how I design recipes and help you actually succeed going from week to week.

Make sure you follow me on social media for more recipes and healthy eating tricks.

Kindal in s deep side kettlebell side lunge working her way through an intense metabolic strength workout.

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