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Healthy Apple Granola Recipe

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

They never said how the apple had to prepared... right? 😂

Let's shake things up and cover our apples in cinnamon... some nutmeg... oats... and bake it up for a crispy granola.

This is how I'd like to keep the doctor away.

In today's recipe, I have a healthy apple granola that makes for a near guilt free sweet treat and snack.

Healthy Apple Granola Recipe

Apple granola in a jar with apples next to the jar.
Healthy apple granola chunks in a jar.


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    1.5 cup chopped nut

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    1 cup oats

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    1 scoop vanilla protein

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    1 large apple, chopped

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    4 tbsp Chia Seeds

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    2 tsp cinnamon

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    pinch of allspice

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    pinch of nutmeg

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    1/2 tsp ginger

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    1/2 tsp salt

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    1/3 cup of honey


Step 1

Preheat your oven 320-degrees.

Step 2

Mix all of the ingredients together.

The consistency should be slightly tacky and sticky. If it's too dry, add 1 tsp of honey... mix... test again. Keep adding honey until you get a consistency you like.

But don't add too much honey!

Step 3

Press the mash of granola into a parchment lined baking sheet and bake at 320 for 25 minutes.

The more you smooch it out the crispier the granola will be. So think about the consistency you'd like after backing.

Step 4

Use a spatula to break it up after 25 minutes.

Turn off the oven and let it sit for an extra 5-10 minutes before removing.

Step 5

Allow it to cool completely. This will make it easier to crunch up the granola into the pieces you like.

Store in a sealed tight container in the fridge so it won't get mushy or soft.

Apple Granola Recipe Notes:

Apple granola crunchy chunks.
Healthy apple granola chunks in a jar.

You can use whatever type of nuts you want.

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    Walnuts are one of my favorites

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    Pecans are awesome

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    Go crazy and opt for mixed nuts.

If you use salted nuts, skip adding additional salt.

Adding honey acts like a binder for the granola chunks. Plus it's a source of natural sugar for more sweetness... but you have to use it.

You may prefer your granola to be more of little bites rather than bars.

Alternatives to honey are:

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    Maple syrup... use real or natural, not the fake store bought syrup

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    Mashed banana... I suggest blending it smooth first

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    Dates... keep a 2 cups of date to 1 cup of water ratio

Apple Granola Nutrition Information

The Recipe Makes 10 Servings of Granola

What is the size of a typical serving? grams? and actual size?

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    219 calories

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    11g fat

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    7g protein

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    23g carbs

If you're counting macros... keep in mind your macro numbers will change depending on the type of protein powder you use and type of nuts you use.

This will change up the protein and fat content.

For this recipe, I used Vital Performance Protein . It's not the best but it's great for recipes.

Go make this granola recipe and let me know what you think.

If you love this granola recipe, go try my blueberry granola recipe .

Do You Want Personalized Help With Meal Planning With Recipes Designed For You?

When it comes to nutrition coaching... I'm strict but real.

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    I don't shun carbs...

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    I don't go strict with crazy diet programs...

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    I don't believe in eliminating sweets either...

Eating can be very complicated and that's why I created my Macro and Meal Planning Cheatsheet .

This is a guide that gives you the best framework for calculating your macros leaving the confusing and second guessing to the side.

Plus in this guide I've designed a 7 day meal plan.

This is similar to what I would design for you in my premium meal planning program ] called Plan Smart Eat Real.

Go download your free copy .

And go bake up this apple granola... because remember... an apple a day keeps the doctor away!

BTW... follow me on my social accounts and go watch the video on my YouTube Channel.

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