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Kettlebell All Arms Circuit

Getting your arms all pumped up...

Having your arms burning and feeling flimsy...

It's one of my favorite feelings in fitness.

And at the time of filming this workout... I feel like it's been forever since we did an arm focused Fit Finisher circuit .

So let's get into this one and pump our arms up!

Kettlebell All Arms Circuit Breakdown

This is a simple circuit and while it's just over 5 minutes long... it fly's by.

This is a perfect work to go two times straight through.

Here's the circuit:

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    Plank Shoulder Taps

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    KB Bicep Curls

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    KB Tricep Extensions (Skull crushers)

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    Farmer Hold + Light OH Presses (Weak)

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    Farmer Hold + Light OH Presses (Strong)

You're going to go:

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    60 seconds of exercise

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    10 seconds of rest in-between

If you need to stop and rest... try your best to keep going but of course grab some rest.

The main goal for this workout is:

Count your reps for the farmers carry and presses.

See how many your can get.

But also count how many times you need to put the kettlebell down and shake things out.

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    How many total press reps on each side?

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    How many times did you have to put the kettlebell down or rest it at your side?

Now you know what you got to do... let's breakdown these exercises.

Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut. Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut.

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Kettlebell All Arms Exercise Breakdown

Plank Shoulder Taps

Kindal in the top of a pushup plank with an engaged core and legs.
Kindal keeping her body engaged and trying not to rock taps one of her shoulders or at least brings her hand to her shoulder level.
Kindal keeping her body engaged and trying not to rock immediately puts her hand back down and taps the other shoulder.

I didn't get to do this... but if you have carpet sliders and carpet or paper towel and hard wood floors... use those under your feet.

Using sliders will engage your core significantly more.

Step 1

Get into the top of a pushup plank.

Make sure your shoulders are over your hands... ideally a little in front of them.

Pull your abs up and in so their active and lock your legs out.

Finally... if you're not on carpet sliders... try to get on your very tippy toes.

Step 2

It does not matter what arm you choose to start with.

Take your hand and quickly tap or at least move it up towards the opposite shoulder.

Return your hand immediately back down to the ground and repeat on the opposite arm.


This is a very fast exercise. So you don't have to actually "tap" your shoulder.

But you want to get your hand up to your shoulder.

intensity tip

Doing shoulder taps for a minute straight can get really tough.

During the workout you'll hear Dan say... go faster. It's easy to get stuck in a slower cadence... I do it too.

Try really hard to move faster.

form tip

When you're going fast back and forth with your arms... your body will naturally rock back and forth.

You can't avoid this... but you can engage your body more and limit the rock back and forth.

Focus on limiting the rock and hope your core tight!

Kettlebell Bicep Curls

Kindal at the bottom of the kettlebell curl with her arms extended down.
Kindal at the top of the kettlebell curl. She is gripping the kettlebell hard and pulling all the way to her chest.

If you don't have a kettlebell... use a dumbbell. I'll explain more in the steps below.

Step 1

Grab your kettlebell by the side of the hands... one hand on each side.

The bell is going to be away from you... not in between your arms.

Extend. your arms straight down to the ground. It's okay if you have a slight bend in your arms.

Step 2

Keeping the bell straight inline with your forearms... curl the weight up so your arms are fully bent.

At the top try to really flex your biceps so you get that added burn.

Step 3

Return back to the straight arm position.

Work hard to keep your body from rocking to create momentum which can help you "boost" the weight up. This takes concentration and it's a natural thing to do.

Focus on using your arms and lower the weight with control. You can go fast... but don't just let it fall.

Laying Tricep Extensions

Kindal pressing the kettlebell over her chest, the top of the laying kettlebell tricep extension.
Kindal lowering the kettlebell with control so her forearms are parallel to the ground and loading her triceps.

These are also called Skull Crushers... cool name.

But of course the idea is not not crush your skull 🤣!

Step 1

Lay on your back and hold the bell part of the kettlebell in your palms. Your thumbs are through the handle.

Press the kettlebell over your chest... fully extended.

You can keep your legs bent and your feet flat on the floor.

Step 2

Keep your upper arms (biceps part or the humorous bond) part straight up and down... perpendicular to the ground.

Hinge only at your elbows and bring the weight down towards your head.

Your forearms should only go to parallel to the floor.

Don't accidentally hit yourself in the head.

Step 3

Extends your arms back straight and give a quick lockout so you can fully flex your triceps.

Then repeat. Again... only your forearms are moving.

Farmers Hold With Overhead Press

Kindal at the so called bottom of the farmers hold with overhead press. Her body is engaged and core pulled in to support the farmers hold.
Kindal at the top of the press. Her body is tight to support the farmers carry but also to press the kettlebell over her head.

In the video... I used a rope but you can use a towel or an old shirt.

This is going to stress your grip a lot more and force your to squeeze hard.

Step 1

Pick up your light weight first. Then get your heavier weight in place.

Go light for your presses. One minute of presses is really tough.

I used 18lbs for presses. You can go down to 10lbs and still get a killer burn.

Get your light weight in rack and squeeze your towel or shirt hard to hold the other weight.

Step 2

Start pressing your weight over head.

It's best when you press up to move your arm out laterally as the first move.

Then immediately press the weight up the sky and extend it over your head.

When you're in rack... the palm of your hand is facing across your body.

At the top... the palm of your hand is facing forward.

Make sure you squeeze the handle slightly on both the pressed weight and the farmers carry weight.

This helps engage your body and turn your muscles on.

As you get tired and your muscles start to fatigue you're posture and form will break down.

Listen to your body and be smart. Put the weights down if you need to shake out.

Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut. Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut.

have your

results stopped?

and now you're...

stuck in a

workout rut?

And lose 1 to 2 inches
and 5 pounds...
or you don't pay!
Break Me FREE!

Don't You Want To Get Strong With Me?

Aren't you curious to see how your arms can hold up?

I want to know how you did so make sure you tell me in the YouTube comments .

Isn't it cool having a trainer with over 14 years of experience design workouts for you and then workout with you?

It's what makes FWW different.

And it's what makes some of my premium programs incredibly unique.

For example... I have a small group - private - strength training group called Fit Women's Weekly LIVE.

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This is a growing collection of 30 day strength training programs where every program has a strength or mobility theme.

It's pretty awesome. You can see some of my [back catalog here](/programs).

But right now you have to go get All Arms DONE.

If you have any questions ask me in the YouTube comments ... and make sure you share how you did.

Plus have fun! That's the whole point.

My social accounts are below. Go give those a follow and let's grow our community of fit - strong - women.

Kindal in s deep side kettlebell side lunge working her way through an intense metabolic strength workout.

feeling flabby? not getting results? & you're... stuck in a workout rut?

And lose 1 to 2 inches and 5 pounds... or you don't pay!