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20 Min Low Carb Meatball Stuffed Spaghetti Squash Healthy Recipe

If you love easy... healthy... delicious meals you can practically throw together at the last minute.

You'll love this meatball stuffed spaghetti squash healthy recipe.

It can be a fast 15 minute meal when you're crunched on time...

Or a 30 minute meal if you want to get fancy and make your own meatballs.

A plate with a spaghetti squash filled with meatballs and marinara.

Here's how to get this on your table fast!

Spaghetti Squash

With just 42 calories per cup, it's a low calorie pasta option that offers a lot of nutrition. But you probably knew that... this isn't new.

But it is nutritionally dense and you should use it.

Health Benefits Of Spaghetti Squash

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    Vitamin C... 9% of recommended daily intake (RDI).

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    Vitamin B6 8% of your recommended daily intake.

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    Manganese 8% RDI

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    High in beta carotene

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    High in fiber... 2.2g!

Yet... the squash is just the foundation of this meal.

It's time to meat the star!

Turkey Meatballs!

Turkey meatballs are a lean alternative to ground beef and packed with protein.

Turkey isn't the most flavorful meat.

But a less flavorful meat is perfect for meatball recipes.


It allows the seasonings and the sauce to take center stage... which you want!

big idea

If you're like me you'll use extra lean turkey mean.

But here's the trick...

With less fat the meat won't stay together. So make sure when you roll your meatballs... you keep the meat cold.

Your balls with remain balls this way.

Nutritional Fun Facts

(4 Oz of ground turkey)

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    128 Calories

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    16g Protein

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    7g Fat

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    0g Carbs

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    5.5% RDV Iron

Now that you know a bit about the nutrition, here's the recipe:

Stuffed squash with meatballs and marinara sauce

Meatball Stuffed Spaghetti Squash

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Unknown block type "recipe", specify a component for it in the `components.types` option

Wait you didn't think I was going to mention homemade meatballs and keep that a secret...

Did you?

Come on. You know me better than that.

Here's just one of my homemade meatball recipes.

Homemade Turkey Meatballs

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Unknown block type "recipe", specify a component for it in the `components.types` option



You better make this and let me know how it turns out.

If you love this recipe, go check out my healthy French Onion soup to try next!

Kindal in s deep side kettlebell side lunge working her way through an intense metabolic strength workout.

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