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Snatch and Grab Fit Circuit


Insanely tough...

That means incredibly FUN!

I love little circuits with only 2 or 3 exercises.

It lets you get enough reps to really let the exercise work it's magic on your muscles.

So are you ready for a TOUGH and FUN workout?

Let's go!

Snatch And Grab Circuit Breakdown

Here's the short circuit:

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    Dumbbell Snatches

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    Farmer Hold

You're going for:

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    30 seconds ON

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    10 seconds REST

Start with the weak side first... for both sides.

Just alternate back and forth. You should get through 10 total rounds which will be just over 5 minutes.

There's a kicker though...

We're changing up how you'll do the farmers carry and we're going to make it harder.

Harder... only because if you're like me you don't have a heavy enough weight to challenge you for a 30 second hold.

I'll explain in a little bit.

Let's breakdown these exercises

Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut. Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut.

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results stopped?

and now you're...

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workout rut?

And lose 1 to 2 inches
and 5 pounds...
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Break Me FREE!

Snatch And Grab Exercise Breakdown

Dumbbell Snatches

Kindal hinging down to grab her kettlebell. She is loading her hips and getting ready to fire up from the ground.
Kindal yanks on the dumbbell hard directing it nearly straight up trying to create a sense of weightlessness with the dumbbell.
Kindal stops her elbow and lets the dumbbell rotate around her elbow so she can get it up and over her head.
Kindal sees the dumbbell get over her elbow so she knows it's ready to be pressed over her head.
Kindal directs the dumbbell up and over her head to full extension pressing it as high as she can get it.

I used dumbbells because more women tend to have access to dumbbells.

But if you want to do kettlebell snatches... go for it. You should be able to move a little faster which will make the workout a smidge tougher.

Step 1

Step over your dumbbell with a stance that is about shoulder width apart.

Squat and hinge down to grab your weight. Focus on good balance over your feet and just like squatting... slightly twist your feet into the ground.

Grab your weight and pre-pack your shoulder so when you pull on the weight it would get pulled down.

Step 2

Brace your legs and drive through your feet hard to stand straight up.

At the same time...pull hard with your arm to get the dumbbell moving straight up as well.

You want to create momentum so you can get the dumbbell floating up from about your knees to your chest/neck level.

The key here is to keep your elbow high and close to your body at the start.

As the dumbbell reaches your chest your elbow stops and the weight rotates around that point to go above your head.

Step 3

As you reach chest level you need to take control of the weight by stopping your elbow movement so it can get under the dumbbell.

This will let you take (harness) the momentum and press (direct) the dumbbell to full extension over your head.

During this time... it's okay if you have a little mini-jump or hop. This is pretty normal because you should be exploding off the ground with such force.

Step 4

Now you have to bring it straight down to the ground.

This can take some practice... but you'll get the hang of it pretty quick.

If you want to bring the dumbbell to a rack position first (for safety) do that.

You'll hear Dan in the video keep telling me to make the weight hit the ground. We can do this because we have rubber floors.

If you don't... obviously... be careful..

Modified - Harder - Farmers Hold

Kindal is working to keep her posture as perfect as she can get it and squeezing the rope really hard engaging her entire arm up through her shoulder.
Kindal is squeezing the rope really hard and this is working on her grip strength more than most ways that can test grip strength.
Kindal showing that you can easily use a towel or an old t-shirt to do this same style of farmers carry and take your grip strength to a new level.

In this workout I used a rope.

For this farmers hold variation you can use:

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    Old dish towel

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    Old T-shirt

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    Something similar

The point is to grip something "soft"... something that forces you to actually squeeze your hand to hold on.

This allows you to use a lighter weight but still get the benefits of a farmer's hold as if you were using a much heavier weight.

Step 1

Wrap your towel or dish rag through the handle of your kettlebell.

You can do this with a dumbbell... by wrapping around the base of the bell... but be very careful the dumbbell does not slip out and land on your foot.

Step 2

Squeeze the towel or dish rag hard and stand straight up.

The key things you want to focus on are:

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    Pack your shoulder into your torso... don't let it get dragged down

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    Pull your core in tight to fight the shearing of the single side weight

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    Stand straight up and tall

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    Keep your shoulders as even as you can... this engages your obliques

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    Breath... keep blood flowing

Your grip is going to be stressed hard and your grip will fail first so be careful you don't drop the weight.

Make sure you place the weight on the ground when you need rest.

If you're on a rubber floor, the weight could bounce and hit you in the ankle or on your foot. This is an easy way to get a stupid injury.

Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut. Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut.

have your

results stopped?

and now you're...

stuck in a

workout rut?

And lose 1 to 2 inches
and 5 pounds...
or you don't pay!
Break Me FREE!

Are You Ready To Take Your Strength To Another Level?

I cannot wait for you to do this workout.

I bet you've never tried or done a workout that's like this. And I bet you've never tried a "towel" farmers carry.

It's so tough... so brutal... and so much fun!

So make sure you let me know how it goes for you [in the YouTube comments](/youtube-comments).

You can also ask me any questions there too.

But do you know what's better than working out with me on YouTube?

Working out with me in my private strength training group called Fit Women's Weekly LIVE.

This is a small group women (capped at only 300) who get:

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    2 daily custom workouts designed by myself

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    Both workouts are LIVE streamed and recorded so you can workout with me

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    1 LIVE streamed coaching session where we work on skills and drills

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    Weekly coaching sessions where we focus on the mental side of getting in shape

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    Personal access to me as your trainer when you need help and motivation

There's so much more like the app and custom tracking.

It's pretty amazing.

But like I mentioned... membership is limited to only 300 women. So if you're interested... go sign up for a 14 day trial (if spots are open) and experience a better way to get strong.

If you're more self paced and you like a DIY style of training... go learn about Habit .

This is a strength program where I design 30 day programs. Each program has a theme like:

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    Beginner kettlebells

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    Double kettlebells

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    Dumbbell legs

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    Weekly body part training

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    Plus a lot more

I have a back catalog or programs you can purchase... so go check that out.

Right now... go figure out when you can get Snatch and Grab DONE!

Then [tell me all about it in the YouTube comments](/youtube-link). I love hearing from you.

Make sure you follow me on my socials so we can stay in touch and I can help you get in the best shape of your life.

Kindal in s deep side kettlebell side lunge working her way through an intense metabolic strength workout.

feeling flabby? not getting results? & you're... stuck in a workout rut?

And lose 1 to 2 inches and 5 pounds... or you don't pay!