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5 Minute Leg Workout - Go To 6 Video

Here's a quick breakdown of this workout...

Set a timer for 5 minutes and see if you can get through 6 rounds. Push hard and do your best.

  • Bullet point

    5 Racked squats weak

  • Bullet point

    5 Suitcase lunge pulses strong

  • Bullet point

    5 Racked squats strong

  • Bullet point

    5 Suitcase lunge pulses weak

  • Bullet point

    8 Squat hops

  • Bullet point

    8 Lunges with a hop weak

  • Bullet point

    8 Squat hops

  • Bullet point

    8 Lunges with hop strong

Need help with any of these exercises?

Check out the full 5 Minute Leg Workout Go To 6 Blog for a complete breakdown.

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Kindal squating and working her way through a tough metabolic strength workout

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