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5 Minute Leg Workout - Suitcase Video

This workout is a smidge over 5 minutes, but close enough!

It's 2 x 3 Min AMRAPS with just 30 seconds to rest between the two.

Circuit 1:

  • Bullet point

    12 Rt Suitcase Narrow Lunges

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    6 Goblet Squats

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    12 Lt Suitcase Narrow Lunges

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    6 Squat Jacks

Circuit 2:

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    3 Bear Laps

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    10 DB Step Ups

If you need help with exercises or see different variations/modifications then click to check out the full 5 Minute Leg Suitcase Workout blog.

And if you do this and love it, learn more about Fit Womens Weekly Live , my online studio and click here to join a free 14 day trial .

Kindal in s deep side kettlebell side lunge working her way through an intense metabolic strength workout.

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