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5 Minute Total Body Strength And Mobility Circuit Video

Here's the workout:

  • Bullet point

    # Lunges with hop

  • Bullet point

    # Single leg burpees (half burpee modification)

  • Bullet point

    # Swings

  • Bullet point

    # Candlesticks (jump and switch)

The hash marks are placeholders because you start with 1 rep.

Each round you get to, add in one rep... so the first time through is 1 rep/move. The second time through is 2 reps/move.

How high can you get in 5 minutes?

If you want a little help with modifications and exercise breakdowns, check out the Total Body Strength & Mobility Circuit post.

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Kindal in s deep side kettlebell side lunge working her way through an intense metabolic strength workout.

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