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Sizzling Shoulders Workout Video

Craving an upper body finisher to add to the end of your workout or...

Looking for a quick, short, and sweet session to burn out your shoulders?

This workout can accomplish both.

It's a classic 5 minute AMRAP.

Either hit play and let me keep track of time or grab a timer and knock it out on your own.

Here's how this works...

5 Minute Sizzling Shoulders

Set a timer for 5 minutes and see how far you can get with the circuits below.

The full explanation of the workout is below.

Sizzling Shoulders Overview:

1x - 2x - 3x...

  • Bullet point

    10 Double Overhead Presses

  • Bullet point

    40 Mt. Climbers

1x - 2x - 3x...

  • Bullet point

    10 Fast Machine Gun Presses

  • Bullet point

    40 Weighted Flutter Kicks

Here's How This Works:

  • Bullet point

    Complete 1 round of the first circuit and immediately do 1 round of the second circuit.

  • Bullet point

    Then complete 2 rounds of the first circuit and immediately knock out 2 rounds of the second circuit.

  • Bullet point

    Continue on to see how far you can get in 5 minutes, resting as little as possible.

Now all that is left is to hit the play button and knock it out.

If you have questions or need a modification of any of the 4 moves...

Check out the main Sizzling Shoulders Workout Blog to get detailed explanations of each exercise.

And lastly...

If you love to be pushed like this workout but it's not happening consistently and your results aren't showing...

Check out my Ignite 30 Challenge and I'll make sure you get the push you need to get the results you want!

ready to end your workout rut?

Ignite 30 training plan template cover

primary goal

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

nutrition challenge

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

nutrition challenge

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

busy goal

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

nutrition challenge

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

Sick and tired of the fitness flip flop...

On... off... on... off...

Being stuck in a workout rut with ZERO results?

Download my Ignite 30 training template and...

  • Discover my simple secret to stay consistent

  • Use this one daily trick and accelerate your results

  • Make planning for a busy week simple... easy... & doable!

Learn about the template and download your copy for FREE!

Ignite 30 training plan template cover