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Snatch and Grab Fit Circuit Video

Sometimes the simplest of workouts are the toughest.

That's definitely the case here and it's awesome.

There are just 2 moves but with little rest, your heart rate will sky rocket and muscles will burn.

Here's what we get to do:

  • Bullet point

    30s Snatches

  • Bullet point

    30s Farmer Carry

...For TEN rounds (5/move)!

Each round you'll change which arm your using. But make sure to start with your weak side.

One last tip: If you're confident with dumbbell snatches, go heavy. And definitely go as heavy as possible with the hold.

Need some help with your form or need a different hold variation?

No problem! Check out the full Snatch and Grab post here for full exercise breakdowns.

And if you love challenging yourself with workouts like this, you'll love my online training studio for women , FWW Live. Click to sign up and try it out for 14 days .

Kindal in s deep side kettlebell side lunge working her way through an intense metabolic strength workout.

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