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5 Minute Workouts

Are 5 Minute Workouts Worth It?



boring workouts? let's shake things up!

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  • Every workout is recorded

  • Workout with me rep for rep

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What’s the point?

5 minutes? That’s such a short period of time… what can you possibly do in 5 minutes?

Actually… a lot!

Of course if you just do one 5 minute workout… 3 times per week… you will not get the results you want.

But even doing only three, 5 minute workout per week… you are doing something super important… and that’s why Dan and I created our 5 Minute Fit Finisher series.

On this page I’ll explain:



how to use
5 minute 5 minute

1. build the fit habit fit habit

To burn fat and get strong… being consistent is the most important factor to focus on.

Learning how to workout consistently… even if it’s not perfect… will snowball into results because an workout habit is more important than one amazing workout done every now and then.

This is why Dan and I created Habit, our collection of workout programs that’s based on my workout design called MicroHITS.

MicroHITS are special workout designs lasting 10 minutes.

And these workout programs teach you how to build the ultimate workout HABIT for your life.

2. do one 5 minute 5 minute workout

Kindal doing an ab exercise call the luge rock.

To burn fat and get strong… being consistent is the most important factor to focus on.

Learning how to workout consistently… even if it’s not perfect… will snowball into results because an workout habit is more important than one amazing workout done every now and then.

This is why Dan and I created Habit, our collection of workout programs that’s based on my workout design called MicroHITS.

MicroHITS are special workout designs lasting 10 minutes.

And these workout programs teach you how to build the ultimate workout HABIT for your life.

3. combine workout workout sessions

Kindal doing kettlebell swings and trying to improve her time on the workout

A “workout session” is one time through a 5 minute workout.

With out a doubt… the most under utilized workout secret is repeating workouts.

  • The first time you do a workout… you don’t know it so you’ll go slower than normal

  • The second time you do the workout… you’ll move considerably faster

  • The third time you do a workout… trying to improve from the second time is really hard

The third time through is what will push you HARD and produce better results.

With 5 minute workouts you can easily repeat a workout 3 times for a “more full” workout that lasts 20 to 25 minutes with rest included.

Read my post about why repeating workouts will accelerate your results .

4. combine workout workout sessions

Kindal doing a racked kettlebell reverse lunge

Here’s where things get really fun.

With all the 5 minute workouts you have access to in our archive… you can create near endless combinations of workout sessions.

I call this Circuit Stacking… combining different workouts together to create a total body - full workout - blast.

Circuit stacking image… workout covers on top of each other with workout time next to it

For example:

  • 1 leg workout + 1 core workout + 1 kettlebell workout

  • 2 core workouts + 1 kettlebell workout

  • 1 kettlebell workout + 1 ab workout + 1 mobility workout

Doing 3 full length 5 minute workouts will take about 20 to 25 minutes to complete when you include rest.

Use circuit stacking and create fun workouts when you need them.

4. start using assessment assessment workouts

Kindal in a deep squat trying to improve her workout persformance

Most trainers… apps… and programs don’t use assessment workouts . At least to my knowledge.

I love using assessment workouts in FWW LIVE, my private training program.

An assessment workout is short workout you repeat on a set schedule so you can track - and see - how much your strength and speed have improved.

These 5 minute workouts make for great assessment workouts.

Here’s how I suggest using one of my 5 Minute Fit Finisher workouts as an assessment.

  • Pick one workout that challenges you

  • Do the workout on the first of the month… track how you did

  • Do the workout on the 15th of the month… track how you did and try to improve

  • Do the workout one last time at the end of the month

We just talked about how effective repeating workouts can be to force results.

Using assessment workouts is forcing you to repeat a workout.

If you use assessment workouts on a monthly basis… you will see your numbers improve and your results will be better.

5. end with a fit finisher fit finisher

Kindal knocking out double kettlebell floor presses

This is why I call my 5 minute workouts… 5 Minute Fit Finishers.

They are perfect for a little intense blast after your “normal” workouts. This does depend on the workout though.

For example… Fit Finishers are great after:

  • Running workouts

  • Rehab sessions

  • Cardio based workouts

  • Before a stretching session as a warm up

Or you can use an 5 minute ab workout as a finisher after most workouts during the month as a way to focus on building your ab strength.

I hope you see how versatile short - 5 minute - workouts can be.

boring workouts? let's shake things up!

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  • FREE 30 day training plan

  • Instant download

  • Every workout is recorded

  • Workout with me rep for rep

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the best type or
5 minute 5 minute



reason one metabolic metabolic strength

Metabolic strength workouts are fast paced strength workouts where you move from one exercise to the next with little to no rest between.

These can be done with only bodyweight strength or you can add in dumbbells and kettlebells.

Nearly all of my 5 Minute Fit Finishers use kettlebells or dumbbells… and are metabolic strength workouts.

reason two cardio cardio intervals

Kindal jumping up to reverse directions during twister burpees

Traditional interval training is where you have X seconds of some exercise followed by Y seconds of rest.

You then repeat this interval Z number of times.

But cardio intervals can get a lot more interesting with the right design. This is why you should join FWW LIVE or Habit because I deliver exciting workouts.

reason three recovery recovery & mobility

Kindal in a deep squat working on her ankle mobility.

Mobility and/or stretching workouts are perfect for little 5 minute workouts.

Actively working on mobility and stretching is not done enough by women. And doing a full yoga routine takes a lot of time.

Doing a short 5 minute mobility workouts like:

…can make a HUGE difference in how your body moves and feels throughout the day.

boring workouts? let's shake things up!

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  • FREE 30 day training plan

  • Instant download

  • Every workout is recorded

  • Workout with me rep for rep

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ready to build
your habit? your habit?

Below is our growing library of 5 Minute Fit Finisher workouts.

If you want fully workouts and trainer designed workout programs…

Sign up for a FREE 14 day trial of Fit Women’s Weekly LIVE.

Or sign up for a FREE Reset Workout Series