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High Protein Donut Recipe - Healthy & Yummy

You have an Oreo...

Do you dip it in milk or coffee?

I'm a milk girl.

Now... what if I gave you a healthier, chocolately protein donut?

Dunk it in milk?

Dunk it in coffee?

You're in luck because I tested dipping these donuts in both where indulgently delicious!

These pass the dunk test, but do they pass the nutrition test?

Let's find out!

High protein donut with a bite taken out of it.
A close up of the high protein donut with a bite taken out of it.

High Protein Donut Ingredients:

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    1 single serving plain greek yogurt (5.3 oz)

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    2 eggs

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    1/2 cup honey (raw if possible)

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    1 tsp vanilla

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    1 cup water

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    1 2/3 cup flour

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    2/3 cup chocolate protein

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    2 tbsp cocoa powder (unsweetened)

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    1 tbsp baking soda

High Protein Donut Directions:

Step 1

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

In a mixing bowl... add the yogurt... eggs... honey... vanilla... and the cup of water.

Whisk all of these ingredient together until they are smooth and gooey.

Step 2

Now take your flour... protein powder... cocoa powder... and the baking soda...

Mix these together... but don't go too crazy. The more you mix this together the more likely you'll have drier and stiffer donuts.

This is not always bad. Sometimes a drier donut can make a better dunking donut. It's up to you... experiment.

Step 3

For this recipe you'll need a donut mold. You can get a set off Amazon for very little.

Fill the donut mold so each mold is about 2/3rds full with batter.

Bake for 18 to 22 minutes until you can stick a toothpick in and it comes out clean.

Step 4

Remove your donuts from the oven and let them sit until they are cool... but still a little warm.

Coat them with some melted dark chocolate and health sprinkles.

I enjoy a light honey glaze (1/4 cup of honey and 1 tbsp of coconut oil).

A good look at the sprinkles on the donuts plus the texture of the baked dough.
A grouping of donuts on the baking rake and somebody has taken a sneaky bite from the donut.

Protein Donut Nutritional Info:

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    Calories: 159

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    Fat: 2g

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    Carbohydrates: 27g

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    Protein: 12g

These turned out really good. Dan (my trainer husband)... who is not a sweats fan... even enjoys them as a sweet treat after lunch.

Are they equivalent to a Dunkin' Donut or Krispy Kreme?


But they aren't loaded with sugar and over processed flour that skyrockets your insulin levels.

Listen... sweats are an important part of every woman's life.

These donuts will hit the spot when you need that sweet treat. And they won't leave you feeling guilty or ashamed of yourself.

Just don't eat too many of them!

Protein Donut Baking Tips:

What if I don't have a donut pan?

Do you have a muffin pan?

If so... use this instead. Using a muffin pan will change the baking time to be 2-3 minutes longer.

What kind of protein do you use?

I used Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein and I also use Vita Protein.

But any chocolate protein would work.

Try to find a protein powder with little carbs and sugar (no sugar).

Can I use gluten free flour?

You can NOT do a one for one swap of regular flour to gluten free alternatives like almond or coconut flours.

But you can use a gluten-free baking blend created to swap like Bob's Red Mill one for one Baking Flour .

Can I make this egg free?

Yes! For this recipe, you could create 2 chia eggs.

Combine 2 tablespoons of chia seeds with 6 tbsp water.

Let is sit 3-5 minutes before adding it to the recipe.

Want To Learn How To Eat Real Healthy Food & Torch Body Fat

I hope you try this recipe.

If you're a healthy donut fan... you would probably enjoy my protein bagel recipe .

And if you enjoy any of my recipes on my blog, you would - most likely - be interested in my nutrition coaching program called... Plan Smart Eat Real.

This is a nutrition program that avoids...

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    The restrictive nutrition rules

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    The strict eating methods

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    The overwhelm of too many recipes and too many micro rules

I focus on teaching nutrition that allows you to eat carbs and sweats... but it's about the right types and the right ingredients most women don't know about.

Go learn about the program so you can get familiar with it .

A great way to experiment with my recipes and get a small glimpse of my nutrition coaching styles is to get a FREE copy of my Macro and Meal Planning Cheatsheet .

I show you how to use macros to help you make better food decisions without getting overwhelmed or obsessed with macro counting.

Plus I've designed you a free weeks meal plan so you can get a taste - 🤣 - of my recipes.

This is the same recipe style I design for members of Plan Smart Eat Real.

Make sure you follow me on my social accounts so we can connect. I am constantly posting nutrition tips and tricks I use in my life and with my clients.

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