I don't know who said it... but somebody did.
Simple gets done.
Today's workout while not entirely bodyweight... because you do need a jump rope...
It's still bodyweight...
It's tough...
And it's very simple.
So let's get it DONE!
Keep It Simple Breakdown
Here's the circuit... and like I mentioned above... if you have a jump rope grab it.
If you don't... I got you covered.
Here's the circuit:
50 Jump Rope
14 Squat Hops
14 Bear Squats
8 In-Out (wide narrow) Pushups
We will be sticking with the tried and true AMRAP... as many rounds as possible.
When you're timer goes off... sick around a little longer and polish off the last round that you're currently on.
Let's get into these exercises...
Deficit Pushup Exercise Breakdown
Jump Rope

I highly recommend the CrossRope Jump Rope . I've used it for years, and it's still in great shape.
It's the best (currently) in my opinion.
Step 1
Start jump roping and for this workout let's keep your feet together.
Two things I want to mention in this post...
One... focus on a spot in-front of you. This will help you feel the flow so you mess up less.
Two... Don't double hop.
If you're newer to jumping rope you'll probably slow down your tempo and double hop.
Rather... embrace the suck. Get tripped up and move that rope faster.
Jump Rope Alternative

If you don't have a jump rope... I'd prefer you to do Mt. Climbers.
And for keeping rep count... don't count both legs as they come between your arms... count only one leg. You choose your left or right... either will do.
Step 1
Get in the top of a pushup and start by brining one leg in.
This will help you find your alternating flow a lot easier.
Keep your core pulled in and your shoulders over your hands.
Step 2
Focus on keeping your core pulled in... your shoulders over your hands... and your hips as quiet as you can get them.
And start rocking one leg in as the other leg goes out to tap the ground.
Try your best to now let your forward leg hit the ground. However, if you need too... go for it as you learn to do the exercise better.
Squat To Hop

Dan loves this exercise. I would prefer to do squat jumps... but if you're new here... you should know we are not huge fans of jumping for most women .
These are a great alternative with the smallest or little pops.
Step 1
Start in a good squat position with your feet about shoulder width. Remember if you know your ideal squat position... start there.
Twist your feet into the ground and activate your arches.
Squat down to about parallel for this exercise. You'll naturally go a little deeper once we get into the flow.
Step 2
Explode out of the bottom of the squat with power.
This is a power move. Power means we are generating speed and an explosive movement.
Rather than jump in the air... make a little hop up getting on the very tippy tops of your tippy toes.
It's almost like you're temporarily floating but still on the ground.
Step 3
Fall back down into the next squat. Don't fall flat footed in a standing position...
Go straight down... immediately into the next squat.
And because you're coming down with a little more momentum... you'll find you go a little lower in your squat.
Then just explode again and repeat!
Bear Squats

I always forget how bad these burn. I don't give them their due...
Are you ready for a killer quad burn?
Step 1
Start on your hands and knees with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
Tuck your toes and lift your knees about an inch or two off the ground.
Keep your legs about hip to shoulder width.
Step 2
While keeping your core pulled in and your shoulders over your hands...
Straighten your legs and squeeze them... locked out... for about a half second.
Then bring them back down to about an inch off the ground.
That is one rep.
Repeat this and the goal is to move fast but make sure you're getting that quad squeeze.
In Out -- Wide Narrow Pushups

This is a good variation to simulate a plyo pushup without having to jump. Let's break it down...
Step 1
Start in the top of a good pushup plank. Core pulled in... legs locked... shoulder over if not slightly past your hands.
Now move your hands so they are about 3 to 4 inches apart. This is much closer than a standard pushup... hence the in or narrow pushup.
Step 2
Go down into your pushup. Read my pushup breakdown for a detailed guide.
Now... as you're coming up from the bottom... use a little more explosive power...
And as you come close to the top move one hand (doesn't matter which) out by about 3 to 4 inches.
This is you moving to the out or wide pushup.
Wide really meaning a normal pushup position.
Step 3
Go down into your "wide" pushup and repeat.
As you're coming up move your arm back in for the narrow and keep repeating this... and alternating which arm moves in and out.
If you loved this, I think you'd love these other 5 minute workouts too:
Simple Get's Done... Are You Ready For More?
I want to know if you do this workout.
I encourage and challenge you to do the workout with me on my YouTube video.
I count all the reps out loud and Dan and I work hard to encourage you.
If you do it... comment on the YouTube video or DM on one of my socials.
Now... if you're ready for more...
Ready to have more fun working out and actually getting results?
I have a fitness program that's perfect for you and where you are in your life right now.
If you ever have any questions... just DM me on socials or you can always fill out the contact form .