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Prisoner Squats - Exercise Database

It's like a step up...

And a lunge...

With a little big of squat too...

This is one reason why I love prisoner squats... they hit your legs in nearly ever way!

Plus, you can make prisoner squats surprisingly very difficult.

Let's breakdown the prisoner squat so you can start using it in your workouts for more variety and better results.

Prisoner Squat Exercise Breakdown

I am going to take you through the exercise movement using bodyweight. No weights.

If you use a weight... the movement is the same... it just get's a lot harder. I'll talk you through what you need to know about when using a weight as we hit those parts of the exercise.

Kindal standing tall with the weight in goblet position for this demonstration. Make sure you pre-engage your body.
Kindal takes a big step back while keeping her torso tall and she avoids just crinkling down to her knees. Step back.
Kindal brings the other foot back so she is kneeling on both knees.
Kindal takes her opposite leg and steps it forward and starts to brace so she can get up without leaning her toros forward.
Kindal presses into her front foot hard and pushes off her back foot to get up.

Step 1

Stand straight up with your feet close together.

Pull your core in so it's engaged. If you use a weight... squeeze it. Your upper body must be engaged as you go through the entire exercise. (You'll see why soon.)

Even if you're going with bodyweight... slightly squeeze your hands in a first. This will engage your upper body and help keep your posture through the exercise.

The last pat of the setup... place a yoga mat behind you. You will need this for your knees.

In fact... DO NOT do this on a hard floor. Dan sustained a stress fracture on his patella doing these on a hard floor. It still bothers him to this day.

Use a soft yoga mat!

Step 2

Step back like you're going into a lunge.

You're going to "take a knee"... drop down to your knee. But you have to step back to do this... don't crinkle straight down.

Having the yoga mat behind you actually helps remind you to step back to your knee rather than crinkle.

Keep your torso tall. This is very important... especially when using a weight!

Step 3

Step the other foot back so you're now on both knees... in a kneeling position.

Getting back up is the tough part and things can get a little wonky when you decide on which leg to step up first.

Let's go into step 4... getting back up to your feet.

Step 4

Option one... you can take the leg you just stepped back and step it forward first.

Option two... you could take the leg you stepped back first and step it forward.

What I want you focused on is... mixing it up.

It's easy to get into a rhythm of stepping back the same leg and stepping forward the same leg.

Try not to do this... keep alternating the leg you go back with and step up with.

Stepping up is where this exercise get's hard.

Step 5

When you step forward one leg... you're back in the single leg kneeling position.

You need to lean forward a little... BUT you can't put your hands on your knee to help with leverage.

HOT TIP: Make sure you back foot's toes are tucked.

This will help you push into your toes and up off the floor.

Step 6

Once you're back to fully standing... bring both feet together...

And then step right back with your opposite foot and just start knocking out reps.

You'll immediately see and feel the combination of a lunge... with a little bit of a squat... and a step up...

Prisoner squats are a great exercise. Plus you can combine other exercises very easily with prisoner squats for a total body blast.

These combinations will be part of our exercise database .

From the side... Kindal standing tall with the weight in goblet position for this demonstration. Make sure you pre-engage your body.
From the side... Kindal takes a big step back while keeping her torso tall and she avoids just crinkling down to her knees. Step back.
From the side... Kindal brings the other foot back so she is kneeling on both knees.
From the side... Kindal takes her opposite leg and steps it forward and starts to brace so she can get up without leaning her toros forward.
Kindal pushes into her back toe hard as well as the front foot, but the back foot helps to drive forward so you can stand up.
Kindal presses into her front foot hard and pushes off her back foot to get up.

Prisoner Squat Modifications

Use A TRX... Rings... Or An Old Pair Of Leggings

The hardest part of the prisoner squat is getting back up from the kneeling position.

Use a TRX... rings... or an old pair of leggings tied to a door knob to assist you in getting back up.

Here's what happens...

If you lack strength (and mobility) in your legs and core... you'll lean over your front leg and you'll need to press your hands into you thigh to get up.

By using a TRX... rings... or an old pair of leggings... you can pull to help keep your torso tall as you step up.

This will ensure you develop the necessary strength, mobility, and balance through your legs to complete this exercise.

Arms Overhead Prisoner Squat

This is not really a modification, rather a training drill to help keep your torso tall.

Grab a PVC pipe... a broom stick... or a band... or even an old pair of leggings.

Hold your arms over your head and pull apart... whatever you're using... so your arms are straight and wide.

Keep your arms actively reaching over your head as you go through the prisoner squat.

You'll quickly realize where you're weak spots are if you have them.

Plus just holding your arms over your head is great for shoulder strength endurance.

Using Weights With Prisoner Squats

Obviously using weights will make getting up harder.

Do not rush into using weights until you can easily perform prisoner squats without leaning forward as you get up.

Having a light weight can actually help you keep your torso tall... but it will do you no good if you can't stand back up.

Ready To Finally Learn How To Workout Correctly?

Most women constantly question if they are exercising correctly.

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    "Am I doing the right exercises?"

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    "Is this the correct way to do this exercise?"

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    "How much is too much... or too little?"

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    "If I need a modification... what should I do?"

These questions can derail a workout habit and make getting results much harder.

This is why working out with a trainer...

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    Having a program designed for you...

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    Having coaching so you know what you're doing...

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    Having training so workouts can be adapted to you...

Having access to a professional will make getting results so much easier. It comes down to one word...


This is what I do for my members. I give them confidence that they are doing the right workouts at their level to hit their dream body goals.

Try my private online personal training group called Fit Women's Weekly LIVE.

It's a small group of women I train on a daily basis.

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    I design custom daily workouts

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    I stream them LIVE so you can workout with me

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    I record each workout so you can do them on your schedule

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    I am always available for private help, coaching, and training

This is high tough training and it may not be for you.

I have a program called Habit where I design 30 day strength programs focused on a specific style of training and goal.

You can see my back catalog on my Vimeo page .

Each workout is designed with a unique protocol called MicroHITS... Micro High Intensity Training Sessions.

This workout style is ideal for busy women.

Go try one programs from my Vimeo page .

If you have any specific questions about prisoner squats... [ask in the YouTube comments](/youtube-page).

Make sure you follow me on social media so we can connect and you can continue learning how to workout and get the results you deserve.

Kindal in s deep side kettlebell side lunge working her way through an intense metabolic strength workout.

feeling flabby? not getting results? & you're... stuck in a workout rut?

And lose 1 to 2 inches and 5 pounds... or you don't pay!