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The 2 to 3 Rep Rule For Next Level Results

Getting stronger comes down to one main thing.


If you don't overload your muscles... test your coordination... make your heart pound...

Your body won't change.

This is one reason why "cardio junkies" don't get the results they want.

Consistently jogging at the same pace won't cause your body to adapt or change (quite the opposite actually).

The same is true with strength training...

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    If you don't change up the workout...

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    If you don't lift for more reps...

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    If you don't try to go heavier...

You're body won't change.

Listen... movement is great no matter what. But you're here because you want to get strong.

Let's get strong.

What Is The 2 To 3 Rep Rule?

The 2 to 3 Rep Rule states:

When you're working out... and you're busting out reps... and you get to the point where you're brain yells at you to stop... rest... and shake out.


Brace up. Grit your face. And knockout 2 to 3 more reps.

Kindal pushing really hard during a tough set of pushups to get 2 to 3 more reps and push her strength to the next level.

Why Should You Use The 2 To 3 Rep Rule?

Kindal is bracing hard at the bottom of a squat preparing to get 2 to 3 more reps and push her strength to another level.

The idea behind 2 to 3 more reps is overload.

If you want your body to adapt and change...

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    Get stronger

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    Lean out

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    Get faster

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    Hold on longer

You need to progressively overload your body and tell your brain to build (activate) more muscle fibers.

There's a bro-science myth that says something like...

When you're really tired... you still have 50% more energy in the tank.

I don't know if there is any "study-based" evidence to back this up... but I do know you can always push a little harder.

And that is exactly what the 2 to 3 rep rule is designed to do... get you in the habit of pushing a little harder... a little longer.

Kindal focusing her mind and digging deep into her inner strength so she can get 2 to 3 more kettlebell snatch reps.
Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut. Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut.

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results stopped?

and now you're...

stuck in a

workout rut?

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When To Be Careful With The 2 To 3

When you're rocking out reps with a heavy weight of some sort... and you clearly feel your form is breaking down...

I recommend NOT to use the 2 to 3 rep rule (unless you're experience).

Don't put yourself in the position of getting a stupid injury.

It's never worth it.

How To Use The 2 To 3 Rep Rule In Different Scenarios

Kindal wants to come down out of the plank but she is bracing up and fighting internally go go just a little bit longer.

Before I close this post out... let's just look at scenarios where you can use this because it applies more than you think.

Strength Training

Obviously... "repping" out any exercise... the 2 to 3 rule applies.

Time based exercises like holding:

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    Hollow holds

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    Squat holds

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    Overhead holds

Any hold... extend that hold time 5 extra seconds if you can and if the workout allows it.


Here's how I like to do this with running.

It doesn't work well when you're just doing steady state jogging.

But what you can do is... after your jog and you're body is all warmed up... end with 5 or so 30 second sprint-style intervals.

Get your heart rate up.

Bring it down.

Give it the run around.


Be careful when you're pushing stretches.

It's very possible to injury yourself if you extend too far.

When it comes to stretching... I recommend you just sit in the stretch longer and let your body try and open up further.

Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut. Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut.

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results stopped?

and now you're...

stuck in a

workout rut?

And lose 1 to 2 inches
and 5 pounds...
or you don't pay!
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Want To Learn More Powerful Fitness And Strength Hacks?

The 2 to 3 rep rule is just one "trick" up my sleeve that can help you get better results.

If you want more little nuggets like this... join Fit Women's Weekly LIVE .

This is my private online personal training program . Membership is limited to only 300 women right now.

And it's nothing like you've tried before when it comes to fitness and training online.

Dan, my trainer husband, and I personally design every workout on a daily basis. And it's not just one workout... we design 3 custom workouts per day.

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    A 60 minute full workout

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    A 30 minute express workout

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    A 30 minute coaching session

The coaching sessions are personal training sessions where you'll learn new exercises... practice exercises... and work on improving your fitness life.

Join my 14 day FREE trial and see what you're missing out on. But you better make sure there are spots available.

If you're more of a "do-it-yourself" strength lady... you will love my program called Habit .

This is a growing collection of 30 day programs . Each program focuses on one style of training and contains about 23 workouts.

Plus these workouts use a really cool design that gives you full control over how you fit your workout into your life.

I hope the 2 to 3 rule helps you get more from your workouts and better all around results.

Follow me on social for more fitness and nutrition tips. I'm always posting really good stuff!

Kindal in s deep side kettlebell side lunge working her way through an intense metabolic strength workout.

feeling flabby? not getting results? & you're... stuck in a workout rut?

And lose 1 to 2 inches and 5 pounds... or you don't pay!