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14 Day Beginner Workout Challenge - Welcome To The Ignite Reset

14 days is not a long time.

What are you expecting to accomplish in only 14 days?

Can you accomplish anything in 14 days?

As a beginner, what expectations should you have in 14 short days?

I'm going to show you 3 goals you should focus on and each goal is achievable in 14 days.

Plus each goal is perfect for beginner women who are interested in getting into strength training.

In this post, I'm going to introduce you to the 14 Day Ignite Reset Challenge .

Kindal looking strong and introducing the 14 Day Ignite Reset Challenge.

If you want to go sign up for the FREE 14 Day Ignite Reset now... go sign up. Spaces are limited.

Even if you don't sign up, use these 3 goals with any new workout challenge. These will show you how to approach fitness goals in a way that brings more success and less frustration.

The 3 Goals Of A 14 Day Beginner Workout Challenge

Incase you still think you can drop 10 pounds in 14 days or 2 inches from you waist...

Keep dreaming.

Or maybe go starve yourself. But we don't play those games at Fit Women's Weekly . And we don't rely on supplements as a primary mechanism for weight loss or strength.

Here are the three... REAL... goals you will accomplish if you go through the 14 Day Ignite Reset Challenge.

Goal 1: Overcome Your Fear

Being scared is perfectly normal. Especially when getting into strength training.

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    It's new to you.

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    You don't know proper form yet.

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    Learning anything new is frustrating and uncomfortable.

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    Picking up heavy weight is intimidating.

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    Plus you don't want to look or feel like you're clueless.

Kindal doing the beginner box pushups to get stronger faster.
Kindal doing some box squats and teaching how to sit her hips back the right way.
Kindal showing how to properly do bent over rows which are perfect for a beginner to do.
Kindal showing how easy it is to do box assisted reverse lunges which are great for beginners to do.

It's natural to be a little scared when you're starting a brand new workout routine. Especially a program like the Ignite Reset where you'll be seen and critiqued me. (Critiqued in a good way... like a real trainer should.)

Are you ready to have a trainer call you out by name and hold you accountable?

Here's how to overcome your fear in the first week of Ignite or any program.

Get Through Your First 4 Workouts

If you can get through your first four workouts, you'll start to find a rhythm and you'll have a realization.

Rhythm leads into the second goal, which I'll get to in a minute.

The realization is... while strength training is hard...

You Can Do This!

big idea

I don't mean to get all woo woo on you if you're not the type of woman who likes woo woo stuff...

But the simple fact of accomplishing any goal is this:

You have to first believe you can succeed.

Without belief you'll never get through the tough times. And all goals have tough times.

Once you get through 4 workouts... you realize you can do this. This little bit of belief is like a seed and it grows.

But you have to water this seed with rhythm. Goal 2.

Goal 2: Consistency

Here's one of the keys to this 14 day beginner workout challenge...

You have to get the first four workouts done in the first week.

Here's some good news...

Your workouts don't have to be the full 30 or 60 minutes.

As a beginner into strength training or maybe getting back into consistent exercise for the first time in a few months (maybe years)...

Consistency is vital.

Kindal doing a great exercise called balance toe touches and getting her workouts done.
Kindal doing bicycle crunches and getting her workouts done for the week.
Kindal doing hip extensions and getting her 4 workouts done every week.
Kindal getting a fourth workout in during the week and making it a stretch workout to help recover.

You have to build a consistent habit of building a workout schedule and showing up to each workout no matter what.

There are two ways to make consistency work for you as a beginner.

Technique 1: Use The Show Up Dressed Technique

Kindal getting dressed in the gym so she can show up dressed.

If you need motivation to go to the gym the Show Up Dressed Technique is the best way to start building this motivation.

A short description of the Show Up Dressed Technique is:

Step 1

Create your workout schedule. Write it down in your phone or day planner.

Step 2

Show up to where you workout, dressed, shoes on, ready to rock and roll.

Step 3

Stay dressed in your workout location for at least 3 to 5 minutes.

After the 3 to 5 minutes, you can leave and go back to your day.

But since you're just sitting there for at least 3 minutes... you might as well knock out some squats and pushups. This is the power of this technique.

By at least showing up, you're building your workout habit. It's amazing how this snowballs into:

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    10 minute workouts

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    30 minute workouts

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    60 minute workouts

And in a matter of months, you'll have a full blown consistent workout habit. Speaking of 10 minute workouts...

Technique 2: MicroHITS

Kindal going hardcore and pushing her pushup strength to the limit. Her limit.

MicroHITS are:

Micro High Intensity Training Sessions.

Each session lasts 10 minutes. But the 10 minute sessions is tough... nearly full blast the entire time.

And while the workouts in the Ignite Reset are 30 minutes and 60 minutes long...

Set a timer for 10 minutes... workout hard with me for the full 10 minutes... then go back to your day.

These techniques are how you get started and how you build real consistency... rhythm to your fitness life.

Because guess what this consistency turns into?

Goal 3: Momentum

Most women getting into strength training for the first time start out slow.

Most women never build any level of consistency.

And this makes it impossible to build momentum and excitement.

Momentum is the sum of believing you can do this and consistency. It's actually more like an exponential curve.

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    The more consistent you are...

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    The more you believe you can do this...

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    Which makes you want to be more consistent...

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    You start to believe even more...

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    All of a sudden you get real results and you son't want to stop.

If you do a 14 day beginner workout challenge like the Ignite Reset and you give it everything you got for 14 days...

This means following the plan by at least using the show up dressed technique and/or the MicroHITS strategy...

You will build a level of momentum. You will want to continue working out past the 14 days because you've been consistent. You have momentum.

It's like building a streak. Once you get a streak going... you don't want to see it end.

The Truth About Momentum And Working Out

Momentum does not last forever.

Life get's busy and you will lose the momentum you built. You'll have workouts that don't feel inspired. You'll have workouts where you don't want to workout.

You want to know something?

Before most of my workouts, I don't want to workout.

But I get started anyway. Once I start, I'm in it and I start to feel the flow.

The ugly truth about working out is you will lose momentum. The key is to NEVER lose consistency.

So fall back on the:

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    Show up dressed technique

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Remember the goal is not to be perfect. It's to be consistent. If you stay consistent... you will discover momentum again.

Motivation rant over.

Join The 14 Day Ignite Reset Training (Challenge) Plan

Kindal looking strong and ready to help you as a beginner get strong.

Now you know the purpose and goals of a 14 day training plan.

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    You won't lose any meaningful weight. Any weight you do lose will be coincidence.

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    You won't see much of any meaningful strength gains.

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    You can learn form though...

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    And you can start to build a consistent habit and belief in yourself.

In the Ignite Reset Challenge, you get:

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    Over 14 days of LIVE in person access to me as your personal trainer.

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    I stream workouts and coaching sessions every day in our private Facebook group.

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    A 14 day Ignite Training plan PDF... until the app is finished.

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    Access to our private group where you can ask for personalized help anytime you need it.

This is 100% FREE as long as there are membership spots open.

So go sign up and start a 14 day training plan designed for beginner women who want to get into strength training.

ready to end your workout rut?

Ignite 30 training plan template cover

primary goal

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

nutrition challenge

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

nutrition challenge

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

busy goal

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

nutrition challenge

This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

Sick and tired of the fitness flip flop...

On... off... on... off...

Being stuck in a workout rut with ZERO results?

Download my Ignite 30 training template and...

  • Discover my simple secret to stay consistent

  • Use this one daily trick and accelerate your results

  • Make planning for a busy week simple... easy... & doable!

Learn about the template and download your copy for FREE!

Ignite 30 training plan template cover