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Kindal holding a workout from FWW LIVE and looking at it wondering if she should repeat the workout tor not.
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Kindal Boyle

Should You Repeat Workouts?

You're probably making this mistake.

So many women make this mistake and as far as I know... no trainers talk about it.

What mistake?

Never - or actively not - repeating workouts.

Why Women Today Don't Repeat Workouts

We live in a world of...

Do what's the hot... cool... the "in thing"... the different thing.

It's a mix between trying to be hot on social media and getting those likes... and marketers who create demand.

Right now if you look at any fitness program or app you'll notice one benefit mentioned over and over again...

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    New workouts every day or week

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    You'll never repeat a workout

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    Different workouts daily

Dan and I are guilty of this too.

These are some of the same promises we use... why?

Partly because it's what gets women excited about trying a program. But we do something very different... I'll explain in a minute.

Just to repeat... in most cases... it's encouraged in "pop-fitness" to NOT repeat workout.

Why You SHOULD Repeat Workouts

Repeating workouts can deliver better results...

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    Better and faster fat loss

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    Better and faster muscle mass gain

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    Better and faster strength and coordination

This has to do with workout familiarity... even if you don't realize it.

Let me explain...

The First Time You Do A Workout

Kindal doing a workout and doing alternating kettlebell presses. The images states that the first time you do a workout your don't know it even if you know the exercises.

The first time you do a workout... in your mind (your familiarity)... the workout is completely new.

It sounds strange to say this but... even if you know the exercises...

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    You've never seen the exercise sequence

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    You're not sure of the rep counts

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    There many be timed circuits you have to be ready for

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    You may have to "remind" yourself about what comes next

It doesn't feel like it in the moment... but the first time you do any workout... you're not going to be able to go full blast.

The Second Time You Do A Workout

The second time you do a workout, you know it and you can push really hard because you know what's coming.

When you repeat a workout... something magical happens.

You go "insanely" faster.

Think about it...

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    You inherently know the workout flow already

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    As you go through the workout you remember the sequence

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    You already know where the hard parts are

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    You also know where you kicked butt during the workout

Initially it may not feel like you're about to go "insanely" faster... but when you're in the middle of the workout... you'll start to see and feel it.

You'll really see it if you track which we're going to talk about soon.

The Third Time You Do A Workout

The third time you do a workout you can push extra hard and try improve again. This is what pushes your comfort zone and produces better results.

This is where you can speed up your results... but it only works if you track your workout.

I'll talk about tracking next.

By the third run-through of a workout... you know the workout (really) well.

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    You probably don't need to look at the workout to get through it

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    Your rest periods get shorter

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    You know when to press the workout to make up time

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    You know when to focus on the hard parts

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    You may even know where you can pull back to reserve some energy

The third time you do the workout will typically be the fastest and strongest run-through.

But not always and this is where tracking comes in.

Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut. Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut.

have your

results stopped?

and now you're...

stuck in a

workout rut?

And lose 1 to 2 inches
and 5 pounds...
or you don't pay!
Break Me FREE!

Track The Workouts You'll Repeat

I don't repeat every workout.

Actually... far from it. Rather, I design special workouts... assessment workouts... designed specifically for repeating.

Typically an assessment workout has one specific goal to improve upon.

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    It might be an AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

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    It might be a timed circuit

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    It might the number of reps of a specific exercise

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    It might be how few reps can you do of an exercise

But there is always something specific you're tracking... something specific you're focused on improve upon.

The First Time You Do An Assessment Workout

The first time you do an assessment workout, focus on learning the workout. You don't have to track the workout.

This is the learning run-through.

You don't have to track the workout. The goal here is to push hard and learn the workout.

(I still like to track it so I can see how much I improve. It's a confidence builder.)

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    Where do you struggle?

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    Where do you excel?

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    Where you do always forget what comes next?

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    How tough or easy is the specific workout goal?

You're feeling out the workout. Getting to know it.

Try to do this in the beginning of the month.

The Second Time You Do An Assessment Workout

The second time you do an assessment workout track it. Since you know the workout you'll be able to set really good numbers that will be tough to beat.

It's time to track the workout.

You know the workout and how it flows. You know the goal.

Push yourself HARD and track the workout goal.

Do the second run through during the middle of the month.

The Third Time You Do An Assessment Workout

The third time you do an assessment workout you will have to push your comfort zone hard to beat the numbers you set from the second time. This is how you get incredible results.

This is it... time to beat your numbers from the second time you did the workout.

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    It should be tough (really tough)

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    It should stretch you

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    It should cause you to push yourself outside your comfort zone

Do the third run through during the end of the month.

Can you beat your numbers?

If you do... awesome!

If you don't... no worries... what happened?

A lot of times just switching faster between exercises... or mentally prepping better if you're lifting heavy can be the difference.

Take notes about why you think you improved.

Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut. Kindal side lunging and working out hard to get out of a workout rut.

have your

results stopped?

and now you're...

stuck in a

workout rut?

And lose 1 to 2 inches
and 5 pounds...
or you don't pay!
Break Me FREE!

This Is How You Repeat Workouts?

I hope you can see how repeating workouts can drastically improve your results.

Most women never repeat workouts

Most women go through the motions and never tap into the deep energy required to truly push their comfort zone.

By using assessment workouts you tap into psychological hacks that naturally push your body to achieve more.

And as you can see you only do one assessment workout per month.

If you happen to find a workout you love... keep using it.

Keith Webber's cardio kettlebell workout is one of my favorite designs... not designed by me.

I've literally done this workout over a hundred times over the last few years.

And I'll continue to do it as a test of my strength based cardiovascular fitness.

Some other workouts I love doing as assessments are:

Do You Want More Assessment Workouts?

The idea of assessment workouts and repeating these workouts is built into every program at Fit Women's Weekly .

In my private strength training group , FWW LIVE, we use assessment workouts just about every month.

We absolutely use them when we're going through the Strong Start Challenge or the Summer Shred Challenge.

FWW LIVE is a small private group with very limited membership.

If there are spots open... you should try a 14 day FREE trial and see if it's for you .

If you want to get results that last... FWW LIVE will be for you 💕!

I also use assessment workouts in Habit .

Habit is a growing collection of 30 day strength training plans .

Each program has about 23 workouts in it... and one assessment workout.

The assessment workout is vital in determining whether or not you're getting results.

Go checkout some of my back catalog and purchase one .


I have a HUGE collection of 5 minute workouts called 5 Minute Fit Finishers. These are all FREE on this blog.

Use these as an assessment workout. They are waiting - FREE - to help you get strong.

Follow me on social and DM me if you have questions about a program or if you need some help.

Now go schedule an assessment workout and let me know how you improve!

Kindal in s deep side kettlebell side lunge working her way through an intense metabolic strength workout.

feeling flabby? not getting results? & you're... stuck in a workout rut?

And lose 1 to 2 inches and 5 pounds... or you don't pay!