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Box Over Burpee - Kettlebell Snatch Fitness Test

This is my favorite challenge. It's incredibly brutal on your muscles and lungs... but it's over fast... or it at least has the opportunity to be over fast.

This is another "Dan special".

Like the sled and battle ropes fitness test ... Dan created this one as a personal challenge. I think he built this workout way back in the day... around 2018.

According to him... he wanted to practice his kettlebell snatch technique while being really tired. I think he wanted to practice being tired so he could get better at the 100 kettlebell snatch test .

Before we get into this workout... go into it knowing this is going to be HARD. So embrace the challenge and do the best you can. Make sure you read about my modifications because as you know...


Jumping is dangerous. More on this in a little bit.

Box Over Burpee Snatch Test Workout

Here's how this fitness test goes down:

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    14 Box over burpees

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    10 Kettlebell snatches per side

This workout is speed based. So push as hard as you can and get it done.

Let's talk about a couple issues or warnings with this workout...

No Jumping?

Yes, I jump a lot in this workout to complete the box over burpees.

As your trainer... I recommend no jumping. Jumping for the majority of women is dangerous. When was the last time you were jumping up to a box... much less jumping down?

Jumping whether it's...

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    Box jumps

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    Squat jumps

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    Long jumps

... it's not worth it. The plyometric benefit you get from jumping is not worth the risk of injury. So don't do it.

For this workout you can do normal burpees or...

Box Step Over Burpees

Rather than jump to the box... get a lower box and step up and over it with speed.

Make sure it's lower in height. You want to minimize tripping as much as possible and remember the goal is to move fast.

Twsitie Burpees

Kindal kneeling down into the twister burpee ready to get into the rep.
Kindal jumped back and is not in the top of a pushup so she can do a pushup as the next part of the burpee.
Kindal going down into a quality pushup with a near perfect straight body position.
Kindal jumping back in and getting ready for the twister part of the twister burpee.
Kindal jumping up and start to twist so she can turn 180 degrees in the air.
Kindal mid air as she is turning 180 degrees and getting ready to land into her next burpee.
Kindal is landing and smoothly going immediately into the next burpee.

This does require a jump and I just told you to not jump... but I'm trying to give you options so you can make this workout... work for you.

A twistie burpees is a normal burpee but as you jump out of the pushup... you have two options:

Option 1

You can rotate 90 degrees and land going immediately into the next burpee.

This is the easier version and does not require as much coordination.

Option 2

Rotate 180 degrees and as you land go immediately into the next burpees.

Making a full turn in direction will require a decent jump and more coordination. This is an option that might be right for you.

If you decide to go with box jumps... I recommend a 12 inch box. It's safer.

I went with a 16 inch box and it's very tough.

Box Over Burpee Snatch Test Exercise Breakdown

Box Over Burpees

Kindal jumping back into her burpee so she can complete the pushup portion.
Kindal smoothly falling into a pushup and gaining energy to make the big jump.
Kindal jumping in and getting ready to make the box jump.
Kindal is starting to make the jump onto the box and getting ready to lift her legs so she can get ready to land.
Kindal is getting ready to land on the box softly so she can jump off and into the next burpee.
Kindal is jumping off the box and getting ready to land softly so she can go straight into the next burpee.
Kindal is going straight into the next burpee which makes this exercise so tough.

We already talked about not jumping and I gave you plenty of modifications so you can get this workout done.

Here are a couple box jump tips so you have them:

Rogue Softbox

Use a softbox. These are expensive but a great purchase if you really want to add more box plyos into your regular routine.

A softbox will help save your shins, butt, and arms from falling. But it will not safe you from falling off the box and on the floor.

I've taken some pretty nasty falls from a box and when I look back... I'm pretty shocked I have not injured myself. Fingers crossed!

Accept The Momentum When You Land

When you land on a box... land with soft joints. By soft joints, I mean... accept the landing by bending at your knees softly. Don't pound when you land with stiff legs.

This will help you maintain control and protect your joints. But again... by now you know my position on jumping.

Jump From Hips Not A Squat

When you jump... it's common for some women to think you squat and then explode up from the ground.

However, you get more power if you hip hinge and use your hips to produce the power for the jump. This is hard to think about when you're coming form the bottom of a bupree and jumping up on a box.

But essentially... as you stand up from the burpee you stick your hips back (almost like you're in the loaded position of a kettlebell swing ) and fire from your hips to get that power.

This is a tough jump because you have to tuck your legs up to get over the box. And this is why I recommend you NOT jump if you have the slightest of reservations about it.

It's not worth it.

Kettlebell Snatches

Kindal in the fully loaded position at the bottom of the kettlebell snatch.
Kindal keeping her elbow close to her body and changing the direction of the kettlebell so it goes straight up to complete the squat.
Kindal punching her hand around the kettlebell so she can make the smooth transition to the top of the kettlebell snatch.
Kindal at the top of the kettlebell snatch. She is fully extended up with good balance.

I am not going to breakdown kettlebell snatches in too much detail in this post. If you're new to kettlebell snatches, go check out these articles:

If you have any questions about the kettlebell snatch, let me know on YouTube or Instagram.

Box Over Burpee Kettlebell Snatch Test - One Of The Hardest

This is one rough workout. It's sooo tough... but I love it so much. Once you get into the workout... the challenge takes over and I can't wait to see how I did.

I guess I feel a little bit of pressure. And I really enjoy that!

Give give the Box Over Burpee Kettlebell Snatch fitness test a shot and let me know what you think.

Don't get discouraged for frustrated when you're lunges are burning and you're dead tired... embrace it.

intensity tip

It can be tough when you're getting your butt kicked during a workout. But don't get frustrated about it... embrace the challenge.

I'll admit... I get frustrated too. But I always try to remember... this is where I am with my fitness right now. I can only get better from here... so let's push hard and do our best.

You'll find if you stick with the tough workouts and you repeat them... you will get stronger much faster. It's the workouts that stretch you that produce the best results.

You can do this!

If you want to drastically improve the level of your strength and cardio fitness... join my online personal training program , Fit Women's Weekly LIVE.

It's a small group of women who get daily access to me personally.

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    I stream 3 LIVE workouts every day (except Sunday)...

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    One of the workouts is focused on coaching and personal training...

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    You get to talk to me personally anytime you want...

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    Plus we host amazing challenges throughout the year...

Membership is severely limited because I am so involved in the program. So go learn about it and if if there's room... join. Don't wait because membership will be closed down.

Make sure you checkout the other fitness tests we've been going over. If you love really hard tests like this one... checkout one of these two:

They are both amazing and really tough.

Go follow me on social media and be part of the Fit Women's Weekly family.

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This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

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This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

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This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

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This is the goal for the day and you should get it done because it will help you get max points.

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